Goals for 2023 - NightRoller's Semiregular Update Log

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Wed Oct 19, 2022 6:12 am

Update October 17th, 2022 (Mon)
Approaches: 0 ❌
Physical activity: Ran ☑️
Calories: 1774/1650 ❌
Weight: 145.8
Notes: Set up a "rationing" challenge for myself. How long can I go with just the food I have in my room, without having to go to the store? Quite a while, it seems; by my count, it's something like 85 days, assuming I'm eating a full 3 meals a day.

The overly technical details:
See this post.
My overarching goal here is to lose weight, and help myself focus by seeing it as not just a day-by-day thing. Instead, I want to literally having long-term consequences of overeating in the short term that I can see. So this is somewhat inspired by the fact that in wartime, food and supplies were limited, and partly inspired by my grocery bill being higher than it needs to be.
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Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:12 am

Update October 18th, 2022 (Tue)
Approaches: 0 ❌
Physical activity: None ❌
Calories: 2413/1650 ❌
  • Had planned to get a Papa John's large stuffed-crust pizza with a friend and save half of my half for later, instead I ate the entire half and some mozzarella sticks from Arby's besides. After that I kept myself from snacking, but that meal alone was about 2,000 calories. Was doing good up until that point though.
Weight: 146.5
Notes: Felt super tired and unmotivated, then stayed up late (3:15 am when I have to wake at 8:30) writing posts here. Better than staying up even later by doing video games and youtube though.
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Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:00 pm

Update October 19th, 2022 (Wed)
Approaches: 0 ❌
Physical activity: Run☑️
Calories: 3030/1650 ❌
Was well on track yesterday, then stayed up late with a friend out at a bar and ordered a bunch of food to try out. Just a bunch of junk calories that put me over my daily goal by quite a bit. I used a couple of my "rations" to eat that much, so tonight I'm aiming to just get my free meal and call it good so I don't take from future days. Today (Thursday) I'm eating one "ration" meal split into halves, then have my free meal from work coming up, and no more food to eat today besides that. Anything extra is going to have to be saved for later instead of eaten today.
Weight: 148.1
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Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:25 pm

3030/1650 ❌
2,323/1650 ❌
Calories: 3,602/1650
Calories: 2577/1650 ❌
Calories: 2175/1650 ❌
Calories: 2057/1650 ❌
Calories: 2597/1650 ❌
Calories: 1774/1650 ❌
Calories: 3030/1650 ❌

Since October 10th, those have been your calories..

Surely, a 俺 can do better.

See you in the language chat 8-)

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Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:29 am

NightRoller wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:12 am

Calories: 2413/1650 ❌
Hey bro,

If you look at the weight loss progress pic linked in my signature, you'll see I have made a lot of progress in this area of my life. I'm still improving, but I feel like I can give you some really solid advice on how to adjust to eating a lower caloric intake.

I used to be a binge eater. I mean, just look at my fucking photos. It was a real problem area in my life.

I still have the binge eating tendencies but I'm able to manage it much better nowadays.

I can see that you seem to be averaging quite a few hundred calories over your daily intake goal.

Trust me, I get it - I used to eat between 1,500 to 2,000 calories over my daily intake EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And no matter how hard I tried, I could not fucking stop.

Every time I would try and lower my intake to maintenance level, I'd always fuck up and eat way over.

Here's a strategy that I employed that worked fucking WONDERS for me.

Baby steps.
I know your current daily goal is 1,650 calories - but you just aren't ready for it.
Challenge yourself to eat no more than 2,200 calories per day for 7 days and see how you go.


Bro, your habits are 2,200+ calorie habits. You probably have so many little habits causing you to eat this many calories that even if you do great one day, there's still 5 more bad habits creeping up the following day. It's a vicious cycle.This explains your pattern of going over for the entire week. Trust me. I do the same thing, I get it.

If you think "Pfft, this advice is stupid. 2,200 calories per day as a goal is too easy".


I'm not kidding. If it's "so easy", just SHOW US that you can eat 2,200 calories per day for 7 days in a row.

If you can't, you keep the goal at 2,200 calories a day until you do it for 14 days in a row without any hiccups. THEN, you can conclude that your habits have adjusted to 2,200 calories per day.

And THEN, you can change the next weeks goal to 2,100 calories per day.

You review every 7 days (Monday - Sunday). If you fucked up that week, you keep the following weeks goal at the same amount of calories.

Until you eat within your daily calorie intake goal 14 days in a row comfortably, you DO NOT LOWER YOU INTAKE GOAL.


If it was EASY, you lower the next weeks goals by 100 calories per day. If it was TOO CHALLENGING, you keep the goal the same for the following week.

You just rinse and repeat this process and eventually, you'll be able to eat 1,650 calories per day for 30 days in a row with much more ease.

I cut down from 3,000 calories per day, to 2,800 per day, then to 2,600.

Then, 2,500 which I kept getting stuck on.

Eventually I mastered it, then I dropped it to 2,400 calories.

This process fucking WORKS.

*** I just want to mention that, whilst you might be able to eat 1,650 calories for 4 days in a row, it doesn't mean you have ADDRESSED AND CHANGED THE BAD HABITS.

Where as if you can do it for 14 days in a row, it means you can comfortably move onto the next phase of reducing your calories BECAUSE YOU HAVE FORMED BETTER HABITS.

Hope this helps.
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Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:43 am

https://paleoleap.com/n-acetylcysteine- ... -cravings/

You might look at N-acetylcysteine for reducing your desire to eat. I was doing some research on this recently for some sinus issues I've been having due to Long COVID, and a lot of people on reddit are reporting success mitigating their various addictions with it.
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Sun Oct 23, 2022 6:51 am

Agree'd with @ImChuckBass, your deficit is too big. I know you dont wanna hear this advice b/c u wanna lose weight as fast as possible, but a large deficit only works if you can stick to it. There's also absolutely no rush to lose weight. I made the same mistake before, ignored everyone's advice who told me to slow down, and got stuck. It wasn't until I changed my deficit to something more sustainable that I started losing weight again.

One more thing, why are you trying to lose weight? I don't know how tall you are but you look hella skinny in your pictures, and I'm not sure if losing a couple more lbs is gonna do much for you. You might wanna consider shifting gears and going on a bulk instead.
- 9/10 lifetime lays
- Cut down to 70 kg

- Lose virginity DONE OCT 2021
- 300 Lifetime Approaches (300/300) DONE AUG 2021
- Bulk and build muscle (68kg --> 82kg) DONE NOV 2022
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Sun Oct 23, 2022 7:19 am

Update October 20th, 2022 (Thur)
Approaches: 0 ❌
Physical activity: None ❌☑️
Calories: 2264/1650 ❌
Ate a bunch at work; was doing excellent before going to work, but then ended up eating another meal's worth of calories in fries and stuff. Not to mention that I ordered a whole pizza for my "free" meal, and ate half of it, instead of a healthier, more filling and less caloric option.
Weight: 148.3

Update October 21, 2022 (Fri)
Approaches: 0 ❌
Half-did some not-really-approaches, like throwing out compliments and starting platonic conversations with a few girls throughout the day to feel like "I'm trying" even when I don't have time or energy to properly try.
Physical activity: Ran ☑️
Calories: 1380/1650 ☑️
Started this day with a limited number of "rations" left because I'd used more than 3/day in previous days. Was doing superb up until around 7, during a community event where food was offered I opted to "help clean up" some of the cookies, pretzels, goldfish, etc. instead of ignoring them. I took it out from my ration cards. That left me down to 1/2 a meal's ration plus my "free" meal from work, according to my challenge. The only reason I didn't go over calories is because I filled up so much on low-calorie high-volume foods like egg-white-only french toast, which fills me up quite well for its calories.
Weight: 148.3

Update October 22, 2022 (Sat)
Approaches: 0 ❌
Literally seeing times where I could go approach, but care too little about it to do so. Feels like it's the opposite of my priority, life and homework have hit me like a truck these past few weeks.
Physical activity: None ❌
Calories: 1310/1650 ☑️
With half a ration, made an omlette of egg whites with some vegetables that felt like a lot more than its calories said it was. Carried me over to the meal during work, where I ate a salad and chicken breast; then, while I kept from eating any fries, I did eat some hamburger and bacon that was extra, which puts me at -1 rations left this week. I think this system is helping me to plan things out better, but it's not impervious.
Weight: 145.9
  • Put in my two week notice at my job. They don't want to give me a shot at being a bartender, and recently the job's just been sabotaging my time and energy (and sleep schedule, grades, club activity participation, approach motivation, DIET, gym habit, and more I'm too tired to remember) without helping me towards the 1 main goal I decided to work in the first place for. The bartenders there all told me it's a terrible place to bartend anyway, so I'm getting out of dodge.
  • I came across an idea on Youtube that blew my mind by the fact I hadn't considered it before: planning my meals in advance, for the next few days or week or so (I would make it based on what's likely to spoil soon, according to the inventory of food I made). That could reduce a lot of the difficulty I have with continuing to eat. Also requiring that I enter the calories into MyFitnessPal BEFORE eating any of the meal could help deter me from making the kind of binge-eating decisions that wreck my progress.
Last edited by NightRoller on Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Oct 23, 2022 7:58 am

Mimbe393939 wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:25 pm
Since October 10th, those have been your calories...
Surely, a 俺 can do better.
Yes. I can do better. I will do better. Something has to give here, and it's not going to be me giving up my goal yet. I will build the environment and systems and habits to make my goal a reality. And above, you see some of the results. And it will get better from here on.
pancakemouse wrote:
Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:43 am
https://paleoleap.com/n-acetylcysteine- ... -cravings/
You might look at N-acetylcysteine for reducing your desire to eat. I was doing some research on this recently for some sinus issues I've been having due to Long COVID, and a lot of people on reddit are reporting success mitigating their various addictions with it.
  • I'll consider that. I will add it to my arsenal for later-resort measures. After reading the article, I think it likely that stress and lack of sleep are what's hampering me in this regard, and that the cravings can be circumvented towards mock-up low calorie versions of foods instead (as per @NotYourAverageNerd 's article post on losing weight, I'm watching a lot of Greg Douchette, Will Tennyson, Remington James, and others to find recipes I can make that fill up without including the ridiculous calories).
  • The largest difficulty besides that seems to be any situation where food is available and I have the option to eat or not eat. I want to retrain my brain, make it an option to eat {the high-calorie thing} or eat {my version of a snack instead}, (or drink water or go for a walk or whatever) instead.
ImChuckBass wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:29 am
I'm still improving, but I feel like I can give you some really solid advice on how to adjust to eating a lower caloric intake.
I can see that you seem to be averaging quite a few hundred calories over your daily intake goal.
Every time I would try and lower my intake to maintenance level, I'd always fuck up and eat way over.
SWEET! I'd been poking around the forums for something like this that understood this line of struggles, but hadn't found anything yet. I'm already grateful that you understand some of the difficulties this is coming from... I see many people able to just do a diet and endure the pain, and the pain isn't the difficult part for me (or you either, perhaps); it's as you said, the binging and overeating. You're doing amazing at this already, and I'm inspired by the progress you've made there already.
ImChuckBass wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:29 am
Baby steps.
I know your current daily goal is 1,650 calories - but you just aren't ready for it.
Challenge yourself to eat no more than 2,200 calories per day for 7 days and see how you go.


Bro, your habits are 2,200+ calorie habits. You probably have so many little habits causing you to eat this many calories that even if you do great one day, there's still 5 more bad habits creeping up the following day. It's a vicious cycle.This explains your pattern of going over for the entire week. Trust me. I do the same thing, I get it.

If you think "Pfft, this advice is stupid. 2,200 calories per day as a goal is too easy".

I'm not ready for it yet, that much is apparent. But I set myself to stick out aiming for this goal until next Saturday, then reevaluate.
And you're right about the weekly evaluation thing. I've mostly just been covering the daily items in this log, but not paying attention to the weekly trends.
I will show you it's possible. I don't know if I can do it. I think I can do it. I have the tools now to do it. But you're right again, I've been trying to go hard and bring it down to 1650 because I felt like I needed a bigger deficit to make quicker progress towards losing fat.
My worry with bringing it up to 2,200 is that my maintenance is about 2,000 or so, give or take a hundred. I'm naturally under-weight for my height, so I don't take much to be in a net gain. So eating 2,200 per day would put me at an overall increase unless I do more solid cardio (which I am considering). It's hard for me to justify to myself that I should raise my goal to a net increase... but you're probably right: having a 2200 Cal goal doesn't mean I need to eat up to that goal every day but just means I can stress less about whether I reach it in a given day or not.
ImChuckBass wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:29 am

If it was EASY, you lower the next weeks goals by 100 calories per day. If it was TOO CHALLENGING, you keep the goal the same for the following week.

You just rinse and repeat this process and eventually, you'll be able to eat 1,650 calories per day for 30 days in a row with much more ease.
Okay. If I fail to stay under 1650 for >2 days by next week Saturday, I will switch over to this method and start at 2200. I commit to that.
ImChuckBass wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:29 am
*** I just want to mention that, whilst you might be able to eat 1,650 calories for 4 days in a row, it doesn't mean you have ADDRESSED AND CHANGED THE BAD HABITS.

Where as if you can do it for 14 days in a row, it means you can comfortably move onto the next phase of reducing your calories BECAUSE YOU HAVE FORMED BETTER HABITS.
Based on my extensive use of Mark Queppet's materials and methods to quit porn/etc., my own experience and beliefs agree with this. It's not a matter of doing the right thing for a short period, so much as doing it consistently for a long, long time. I'd raise the standard to 30 or 60 days in a row to consider it a solidly changed habit. It's doing the right steps every. single. day. Though one can get to 30 or 60 days by just "white knuckling" and "trying really hard", it'll eventually crash if the habits weren't formed well. But the odds are that if one can get to 30/60 days of successfully practicing a habit, then it's probable that at least some amount of habit change, mindset shift, and etc. has accumulated to support that streak of success.
ImChuckBass wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:29 am
Hope this helps.
This is extremely helpful. You're an awesome guy, typing out that detailed explanation and sharing your experience and knowledge to this degree. You're on an inspirational path. Keep it up, and I hope to follow in your footsteps! Let's "crush our goals"!

goldfish wrote:
Sun Oct 23, 2022 6:51 am
Agree'd with @ImChuckBass, your deficit is too big. I know you dont wanna hear this advice b/c u wanna lose weight as fast as possible, but a large deficit only works if you can stick to it. There's also absolutely no rush to lose weight. I made the same mistake before, ignored everyone's advice who told me to slow down, and got stuck. It wasn't until I changed my deficit to something more sustainable that I started losing weight again.

One more thing, why are you trying to lose weight? I don't know how tall you are but you look hella skinny in your pictures, and I'm not sure if losing a couple more lbs is gonna do much for you. You might wanna consider shifting gears and going on a bulk instead.
We will see if I can continue to stick to my goal, if I hit 3 total days in the next week before next Saturday that I go over I will change the goal to be more reasonable, as you and @ImChuckBass suggested. You hit the nail on the head for my reason behind not wanting to reduce the deficit goal... though my rush is to reach ab-level (as mentioned in my signature) by 2023.

As for the why: It's less "weight" loss and more "fat" loss, because I do have a significant rounded belly most of the time and rarely get to see my abs except when I laugh. I know they're developed, I hit them at the gym about every other time I go (used to be 1.5 times per week). Why I choose to lose fat rather than focus on muscle growth is because I tried gaining muscle last year all spring, then much of this summer, and noticed that I haven't been getting enough sleep to allow my body to make the needed repairs to get stronger. So right now, the only option available is to get leaner and lose fat.
In the future, I want to add muscle, but being a math major means sleep is rarely plentiful (just look at the pictures of any university's math department and >60-90% of them will have big dark eye-bags). Of course, sleep helps for losing weight as well, but isn't as necessary as it is for gaining muscle. I'm tired of spinning my wheels and trying to gain muscle/strength to no avail (was using the Stronglifts 5x5 program during the spring/summer, got everything to the point of failure, and just kept stuck at the same failure over and over).
So I appreciate the advice and you're a super dude with the helpful attitude you gave it with, but for this point in my life it's not realistic to implement yet.
Edit: Another significant part of "why" I want to lose fat is that I've heard how cool it looks to have visible abs. I won't reach movie-model ripped levels, but I would like to approach that direction asymptotically as much as possible. Andy did it, several others I take inspiration from have gotten there, I want to join the club and pat myself on the back for having done something difficult.
Last edited by NightRoller on Sun Oct 23, 2022 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Oct 23, 2022 8:00 am

Dang I'm tired. I planned to go right to bed after work, but figured I could type this up quick... of course, I went into tired essay mode instead.
Stayed up to 7 am working math homework again yesterday, so I suppose 4:30 am tonight is an improvement. All the same it cuts into my remaining homework time and is far from my ideal sleep schedule. I'm so glad to be quitting this job soon.
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Tue Oct 25, 2022 5:07 am

Update October 23, 2022 (Sun)
Approaches: 1 ☑️
Physical activity: Ran 30 minutes ☑️
Calories: 1398/1650 ☑️
Weight: 144.0
Stayed up late yet again on Sun, up to 4:00 am working on essays. Had to wake at 9 for classes, as usual. Exhaustedly tired. Honestly, if I didn't put in my two weeks notice to try and be a decent guy, I would quit the job right now so I could get more sleep; it'll probably do more for me hitting my fatloss and calorie goals than doing running and trying to set focusing blocks to get homework done before it becomes ridiculously, abhorrently late.
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Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:31 am

Update October 24, 2022 (Mon)
Approaches: 0 ❌
Physical activity: Ran 20 mins ☑️
Calories: 2688/1650 ❌
Had been watching many youtube videos of Will Tennyson and his donut obsession days where he goes and tries donuts from many places. Monday, broke to the urge to go try and see what the donuts of my current town are like. My brain justified it with "curiosity". I bought a dozen, ate 6 to the point I felt overstuffed and hated the sight of donuts, and gave the rest away.
I wrote up an essay (see below) about how I hate that feeling that eating donuts gives me. The initial sweetness is really only appealing for the first bite, then the fried bread is just yucky. The anabolic concoctions I make in my dorm kitchen taste better than that and have far fewer calories and much more protein than this.
Weight: 144.3
Notes: Allowed Days Calories overeaten: 1/2 used (Self-reminder: I can't go over 3 times before Saturday or on my word, I'll raise my calorie limit goal)

The Essay On Why I Hate Donuts, a rant about how these fancy-decorated/flavored donuts were the lover that screwed me over and stole my wallet:

They're just a bunch of bread with bad texture and consistency, not at all as good as sandwich bread or tortillas, fried to double or triple the calories, with extra sugar sweetness that scrapes against your tongue and leaves your mouth feeling more violated than that one time in the bathroom stall at the local gay bar. Then, as if that wasn't enough, they smear all over your face with super-sugary cheap frosting that gets old after the first bite and just goes downhill from there. The toppings are terrible, the donuts don't even look or smell appetizing, and once you eat two of them it's hard to even look at them. I don't know how I ate 6 of them. It was a mistake. And topping it off, they're freaking expensive. You pay more than $2 for each, and it's far more expensive than chicken by the calories. Plus, even though it fills you up majorly for a short time, after a couple hours you're hungry again. I hate the feeling in my gut of being that full of such a fatty, sugary food. I feel myself getting fatter by the second. And it also feels terrible, because of the guilt of eating so much just to be as full as if I ate a 400-cal shake. (One of Greg Douchette's.) The feeling of even looking at food, the donuts themselves or anything else, just makes me feel sick to my stomach. I don't ever want to feel like this again. I think I want to eat some carrots later today if I ever recover from this. I'm not going to say "I won't eat another donut again." But I won't be eating at that donut shop again, nor will I be getting more than one or two in a single trip. Maybe 3 if I'm ambitious and saving 1-2 for another day. But never this much, never too much of a good thing to the point where I feel sick. I don't know how I even did my 20 minute run today, that was only about an hour after I finished the donut debacle.
Note to self: read this essay through the next time you consider making the trip to get donuts from anywhere.
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Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:27 am

Update October 25, 2022 (Tue)
Approaches: 0 ❌
Physical activity: None ❌
Calories: 2394/1650 ❌
Today I followed my food plan for rationing my fridge food, written in advance. The food turned out to be higher calorie than I expected.
Weight: 148.1
Notes: Allowed Days Calories overeaten: 2/2 used by Tuesday; However, today (Wednesday) I took a detour and went to a cafeteria in my school and got 5 different sweets, each amounting to 300 calories or so, and it definitely put me over, so as per my word, I'll have the goal of 2,200 calories starting Thursday and aim to be under that for 7 consecutive days in a row. (Self-reminder: I couldn't go over 3 times before Saturday or on my word, I'd raise my calorie limit goal)

Also, I just remembered that on Monday, there was an experience I wouldn't have believed until I went through it that told me I'm not trying hardly at all on my dating life and honestly haven't.

I had a costume dance (costume optional) to go to on Monday, couldn't think of a costume, but then midday had the idea of going as a "doctor" or something by grabbing a lab coat from someone in the Chemistry department and surprising everyone (because my typical wear for anything in that club is ALL BLACK with white laces, plus accessories).

So I went to the Chem department and started walking into offices and asking people if they had a coat I could borrow or knew a fun chemist who might have one they were willing to lend. I went hard. I expected a lot of rejection. I often told people I realized it was a strange request, and got a lot of looks (even some surprise when I suggested talking to the two Chem profs I've had for the one class I'd had, because they're now the department heads or something and "why would you bother them with this silly request???????". Spoiler alert: I'd already asked them, they were in a meeting and I'd planned to circle back if all else failed).

I was scurrying all over the building, down the halls, looking for any where people might be in, asking around for connections.

And I realized, I was really going all-in on this. I wasn't taking no as defeat. I expected the no and kept moving to seek the yes.

And I thought to myself, "why haven't I tried this in cold approaching?". And, "What kind of results would I see if I applied this mindset into approaching instead of being so in my head and worried and half-assing it instead of going all-in?!"

I want to apply that sometime in the future. That experience of that energy was awesome. It was refreshing. I loved the feeling of the hunt, feeling like I knew rejection was going to come but I literally didn't care, I'd keep on looking. Approaching is a little slower, but it's not as slow as I make it out to be. I need to more quickly 'soft-next' people sometime, and do a challenge to get a makeout to get it at a bar or something some night or some week.

Now thinking, why not the week after I do my last work shift? I could go out almost every night, go hard, aim for a makeout, SHOW MYSELF IT'S POSSIBLE. Maybe aim for a pull. It's what my friend Jonny has done. I ought to take serious inspiration from him instead of staying on the sidelines, awestruck (and sometimes jealous) of his results and ability.

I'm putting it in my calendar. Starting November 6th, I will begin this challenge and go out to a bunch of bars and give it a go. It's gonna be awesome. I'm hyped right now. Let's Do It! (I hope I'm not so tired that this hype disappears by morning, but I can recall how cool it was to get that one yes and show up in my genuine chemistry coat at the dance and take some fun pictures like the one below).
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Skill-based 365 project
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Name: Graham
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Motto: Win and help win
Location: Bumfuck Rural US

Fri Oct 28, 2022 7:03 am

Update October 26, 2022 (Wed)
  • Approaches: 1+3-5 ☑️
    Approached 1 girl while I was still on shift for the door at work, she was sitting at the bar with a couple family members and had looked my way a couple times. Got her number, she's even replied a couple times. Seems like a possible lead, but she's "very busy" so we'll go with cautious optimism.
    After my shift, I went out to the next-door bar and had a good vibe from watching my friend on Playing with Fire's speed dating and thinking about what they did well and could do better. Opened 3-5 girls, attempted to close on one of them, got some "I don't know you" flack from another (which tells me I needed more comfort, but I kept trying to do value because it felt like she was seeing herself as higher than or better than me, and I had a she vs me frame), and got no phone numbers.
  • Physical activity: None ❌
  • Calories: 2761/1650 ❌
    Ate 5 sweets of 300 calories each at a campus cafe after a class, when I told myself I would just walk around. It didn't even taste very good for most of them. When buying, I told myself I'd spread them out over a couple days or something. I finished eating them by the time I got back to my dorm (within 30 minutes). I realize I need to have an alternative with me to keep myself from binging just "on a whim". I've now packed some protein bars that I love in my backpack to have an easy out if I need to "give in" to something. It will give myself a better option.
  • Weight: 146.7

I finally drafted a thing to send to Tinder's support to try and get my account unbanned, see it and give your feedback here:
Goals: See this post
Skill-based 365 project
Laycount: 28 --- In 2023: 12 (as of May 03'23)
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Posts: 271 | Thanks: 79
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:06 pm
Name: Graham
Goal: Get Career Job, Move
Age: 23
Motto: Win and help win
Location: Bumfuck Rural US

Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:59 am

Update October 27, 2022 (Thur)
Approaches: 0 ❌
Physical activity: 5 min running with a backpack❌
Calories: 2131/2200 ☑️
Moved my goal up, and trying to make the decisions to let myself have a buffer for eating low-calorie snacks at the end of the day if I so desire, like Smartpop popcorn.
Weight: 147

Update October 28, 2022 (Fri)
Approaches: 1 ☑️
Gave out a bunch of compliments while I was on a run, put me in a good vibe mood and I ended up opening a girl mid-run about her dress on instinct. She stopped, so I just kept going out of the habits I've implemented and talked to her, got her number, set up a date for Monday. I guess when I've practiced these skills enough to take advantage of the opportunities, it can "just happen" sometimes with little effort on my part.
Physical activity: 30 min running ☑️
Calories: 2183/2200 ☑️
Ate a bunch of donuts again today. I guess I'm on a conquest of trying all the donut shops here in my town, but this is becoming expensive both for calories and my wallet. I did a better job at not getting too many though (kept to 6 instead of a dozen).
Stayed up really late (7 am) to get Math homework done again though. So it goes. I accepted it, planned myself some breaks, and managed to make it through and finish the assignment almost as good as I'd wanted to even though it was a particularly long one with difficult problems.
Weight: 144.5

I told myself I'd wake up the next day and fix this "banned on Tinder" thing today, but I woke up too late and have put it off in favor of "keeping up" with life for now. I plan to take care of it tomorrow (Sunday), but for tonight (Saturday), I'll likely be up until 3 out at a Halloween party filled with mostly Koreans, some Japanese and other asians clubs, one of which I'm part of somehow. I'll bet there's a few cute girls there dressed in slutty-mode.
I'm going to a club to warm up a bit first after sitting on my arse for most of today, dancing a bit always makes talking easier.

I also realized I need to do more weekly or monthly check-ins, see my progress and evaluate, instead of neglecting it and just doing the daily thing. I'll deal with planning that tomorrow too.
Goals: See this post
Skill-based 365 project
Laycount: 28 --- In 2023: 12 (as of May 03'23)
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