New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

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Name: Gabo
Goal: Be a millionaire artist
Age: 27
Motto: Follow your gut

Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:33 am

Notes about seduction and sales

-Stop women like it's something of extreme urgency, like there's someone convulsing on the pavement or something. Be LOUD .If you are loud, people "jump" from their places. Attention is a requisite for interest.
You can even add a bit of "intrigue" or "confusion" in the way you open, something that gets people out of their default pattern. Your frame of mind should be that it's absurd that people don't pay you attention, instead of the other way around. YOU are a 10/10 guy. Think about it. If that's the case, you're really more important than arriving early to work or sending some voice note.

-Always try to approach like it's something that you do on the move, as you go, casually, spontaneously. Look at girls from the corner of your eyes. You dont need to go full autistic about angles, but in general dont approach from behind and avoid being too frontal. Position your body sideways. Start your approach from a big distance, then reduce the distance. If you approach from behind, compensate with a bigger distance.

-There's very little information online about how to prospect, the same way most seduction advice assumes you somehow you have warm leads that require your attention. Which is how it should be for normal people, yes. But doesn't mean there isn't potential in cold prospecting if you do it correctly.

-You are CLOSING, and SOLVING OBJECTIONS from the very BEGINNING. They are more prominent at the end of the interaction, but you're always showing value and asking people to make commitments, and people show some kind of resistance or indecision.
When women say they are in a hurry or aren't interested,and you dont address that, that's an objection you could have solved. That's a lead that you lost. When you ask people to share a personal detail about their life like a sexual experience, you're doing a 'mini close', leading with open but well directed questions.
Take responsibility for the outcome of the interaction.

-When a woman doesn't stop, dont chase, it doesnt work most of the time and it paints you in a bad light. What you should do instead is tell here "Come here" and stand your ground. "C'mhere" I have to tell you something..." Gesture with your body. You dont even need to say anything, just do a motion with your hand for her to come.

-The importance of lowering the compliance threshold. One of the most brilliant concepts by Saul T. If you request something and thr girl doesn't comply, dont keep trying the same thing. If your at level 4 compliance and attempt to go to level 5 and obtain a negative response, go back, slow down to level 3 and build momentum again. You should be getting consecutive yeses

-Negotiation is important but I dont understand it yet. The key is that the customer always thinks he's getting a good deal tailored to him. It must seem unplanned and unique to his situation.

-The key to double alternative closes is that one option is better than the other. There is some kind of asymmetry. For example a cheap option vs an expensive one. The prospect thinks he's getting away with a good decision, he's making a smart choice, while in fact you're the one dealing the hand, setting the frame. You make him choose between yes and yes.

-smile with your thoughts. Visualize happy things, instead of forcing the muscles of your face

-be soft but at the same time piercing. Disarm people with niceness. When you see an opening, attack.

-treat people like they are little children

-People want to play along. People want to be sold.

-Think approaching as talking to people. Frame it as just socializing.

-Have a social circle. IT's gold. Use your instinct to find a good deal: good women men ratio, good quality of women, a niche where you are more valuable (I play the guitar so I'm high value in artsy social circles). You can also have fun moments and become a happier healthier and more functional human being

-Be very aware about your energy levels, body language, state, frame

-A few inches make the difference. Small adjustments add up

-Have higher standards for what is weird. What you think is normal, cool people think it's weird

-Think about learning to draw or learning to play guitar. It took you years, it was slow and hard and you needed to think and have the right mentors

-Learn to troubleshoot your approaches. Identify whether your mistakes are frame/mindset, body language or technique

-None of this shit invalidates the most important concept: numbers game, approach high volume, face tons of rejection and dead ends. As much as I like Yohami's thinking, there is no evidence about how well he does on 'pure cold approach'. Dont take anything literally.

Notes about life

-How you drive your car is how you carry yourself in life. Both your body language and the way you think. Stop making unnecessary pauses. Go straight to your destination.  Dont pull the brakes reactively from a mile away before you even face the obstacle close. Dont be afraid of putting the foot on the accelerator

-My boss is a confessed consumerist.  He is big, he lives big, eats and drinks merrily. Spends 95% of what he earns.  Sells a lot, buys a lot. Work hard, play hard.
Life is a wheel.

-My boss is high energy. And he just does thing. No mental masturbation.

-Accept irrationality as part of being human. Shit doesn't make sense. Stop wasting time trying to find logical arguments.

-Sense of urgency. It's something you must feel and transfer to other people.

-Seek good states-frames as of they were worth a million dollars, because they are

-Understand feedback loops. You're fucked up because you weren't socialized properly as a kid. If you weren't socialized properly, it's harder, almost impossible to socialize. And so on and so forth.

-Socializing should be a matter of life and death. In the caveman days it was. You couldn't afford being socially inept, you needed to cooperate with other people to do anything. Instead of letting your fear of death to stop you from socializing, use it to socialize in the best way possible

-Approaching starts before the approach... with your state and frame.
Thinking positively should be a matter of life and death, and it was back in the day. If you're negative, you're dead before you started.


Take this with a grain of salt, as I'm figuring this out. But I believe I'm gonna get there.

I'm talking shit so my accomplishments eventually catch up.
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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Name: Gabo
Goal: Be a millionaire artist
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Motto: Follow your gut

Mon Feb 06, 2023 1:03 am

Got fired at my sales job. Goal was selling 4 cars but I only sold one and made few appointments.

To be honest, getting fired is a MOTHERFUCKER, even if you worked only for 1 month. It feels like a punch in a stomach, to know that you don't hold up to a standard, that you failed, that you lost, that didn't accomplish the goal.

Did I work hard? Yes. Could I've worked harder? Yes. Did I do things most people my age aren't willing to do? Yes
is it enough? No. Numbers are numbers and don't lie. I could have prospected more and better (more pushy, and with better energy). No one cares how you feel, no one cares about "your journey". Only thing that matters is results

The thing is, I've been falling behind deadlines and failing all my life but nobody punished me for it. We live in the "You are ok I'm ok" era, where nothing gets measured (and nothing gets accomplished).

It's the first time I've been held accountable like this. The truth hurts but makes you grow. A kick in the nuts is what you need sometimes... if you don't actually 'feel' the consequences of your mistakes you don't make the necessary adjustments. That's how the brain works...

I think this is a positive learning experience. I did so many things outside my comfort zone. I've done probably about 300 cold prospecting approaches + a few hundred cold calls as well. 1 month ago cold prospecting seemed so "outside my comfort zone". But it's easy man... just pick up the phone and call!!

I also made the most money of my life ($500) and the excitment of my first sale is unforgettable. Doesn't sound like a lot but it's a lot of money for someone my age where I live.

-My main takeaways are: the business world is war. It's a parallalel world apart from the "civil" world and moves at a different pace. Everything is super FAST.

-Money talks and bullshit walks. Money exchanging hands is the only thing that matters. Everything that doesn't lead to that outcome is redundant and should be cut away.

-The more I step into the real world, the more I see how much of a joke university is. I'm glad I had the balls to drop out.

-You need to learn to fucking communicate with your teammates and specially your boss. If you're shy and don't communicate your difficulties, things are gonna get worse. Speak up before it's too late.

-It's cool to be social at work, but your goal isn't to make friends. Nobody gives a fuck about you, and neither should you care about them. You don't get extra points for being nice. Be a professional, not a people pleaser.

-Your friends and family (and average people in general) don't want you to succeed at this. I've lost count how many people told me that this isn't a good job, that I should get a degree, that I should do "something related to computers". Lol, people dont even know what fuck they are talking about, they think coding is some kind of magic and you get a high paying job just for doing some 6 month course.

So many people told me that you can't be succesful in Argentina, that I need to go to "the first world". In a way they're right, but at the same time they aren't.  There are a ton of succesful start ups and businesses in Argentina, so don't come with that bullshit (it's the same bs people use to dissuade you from selling them "oh the economic situation is so tough man... bullshit! Those same people will buy from salesmen that sell them better).

What do they think is gonna happen if they go to Miami? Do they think someone is going to hand them success on a silver platter? No, when you go to the first world you probably realize people work twice as hard there. No siesta, no familia, no nada

When I told my dad about this he said it could be a 'good thing so I can better plan my future'. I said, 'You are thinking that this an opportunity for me to get into coding right?' 'Yes!'.... I facepalmed internally. This is when you realize that nobody is actually rooting for you. Even if they are supportive, they are rooting for a caricature version of you that they have made in their heads ages ago, that you won't be able to change anytime soon.

But it's what it's. Stop expecting so much from other people and instead rely on yourself... be your #1 fan.

The thing that hurts me the most is people thinking sales or entrepreneurship isn't for me, that I should do something more 'cultured' or 'intellectual'. It's like, I've put myself into this 'introvert' box and everyone around me has made up their mind thay this is how I should be for the rest of my life. I'm not 'allowed' to be extroverted and money focused. But again, you suffer because of your expectations.

Realize no one really gives a fuck about you, not even your parents. Accept that you're just as solipsistic as other people and just run with what you want.

Another way your loved ones sabotage you is by telling you it's OK to fail, that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. More bullshit. You do need to STRESS the fuck out if you aren't meeting deadlines. And perform accordingly. You need to get used to pressure and responsability.

-I've learned so much about my boss and my coworkers. I've never seen high performance people so close. Now that I think about it, this was a paid learning experience and I should be grateful about it.

My plan know is getting a customer service job for a couple of months. I need a simpler job, with more outside control.

Facing myself honestly, I'm not yet at a stage where I can be effective with a flexible time schedule. I'm not yet proactive and self disciplined enough.

I want to start my own business but I need to hammer "work" fundamentals first: punctuality, focus, quick task learning, attention to detail, scheduling/blocking my time, cleanliness, comunication, people skills.

I've bought Fox Web Academy membership at a HUGE discount (95/month from 900/month) so I'm aiming go full into business and earn 2000/month by the end of the year in a web design agency. This sales experience is going to help me hugely.



My coach Gaston was bluntly honest about two things:

-I'm whining too much and approaching very low volume. He told me to approach 10 a day. I could barely get 7 done. Then he gave me an ultimatum... 15 every day for one week or the coaching is over. I did 15 for 3 days in a row. Now I did 20. I'm getting better at approaching older women, approaching in difficult scenarios, etc.
Keep in mind I live in a 150k people town. In a big city I would be able to approach 100-200 no doubt

-My energy is shit. I lack expressiveness, I look apathetic I need to be more fun and energetic. His analogy is that seduction techniques are like a "filter" but first I need a potent lantern so those filters can actually shed some light. That lantern is your 'energy'. It's body language, but at the same there's more to it, it's about your general attitude, how you carry yourself, how you express yourself. So my homework is to watch a movie, select an alpha male character and study and imitate him.

I think I'm coming to an understanding about how simple seduction actually is, but at the same time if you don't have the fundamentals in place it becomes literally impossible. It's really black and white.

Fundamentals arent "looks style social freedom" lol. Maybe they are for online dating, but not for in person approaches.

Fundamentals are FRAME, ENERGY and TECHNIQUE.

Frame=core beliefs. I'm cool, I'm the shit, I'm a 10/10. Game is normal, natural. Be yourself, speak with no filter. Have boundaries, stand up for yourself.
Energy= try your best to be in a good state. Happy, social, active, enthusiastic and fun mood. All of that transpires into good body language and is contagious to other people. It makes everything else easier. But good frame is a requirement.
Technique: learning how to solve objections, how to close, understand compliance momentum, how to lead the interaction, how to isolate, how to deal with friends, how to handle logistical problems, etc. Frame and energy are a requirement for technique to be effective.

But the thing that puts everything together is MASSIVE ACTION. We can all agree about that.

Everyone is repeating the same thing nowadays: ACTION IS THE SECRET OF THE UNIVERSE. It's all about PAIN ENDURANCE. If you check Owen latest content he's literally "just go out bro. This is so fucking easy. Just have fun. Bust your ass and you'll learn. We've made seduction too complicated". It's funny how it all circles back to the basics.

All of this shit is instinctive. You know how to sell, how to win, how to be seductive and persuasive. You need to get out of your own way!!

Just fucking do it. Just do the drill.


So in my second day of approaching 15 girls daily I approach this chick sitting waiting for the bus. At first she was like "I dont know who you are". I was somehow able to create comfort.
Got her number. Messaged her, tried to set up a date, she gave some basic objections, like she not having money for beer or a taxi but I solved them.

If I learned something in sales, it's that TODAY IS THE MOMENT. IT'S NOW OR NEVER.

So I threw in there some scarcity bullshit "I'm travelling this weekend" and it worked.

We went out to a bar. She was gorgeous! I've never been with a girl this hot. Very cute face, nice ass, slim body. (She was an 8/10, my previous one was a 7.5 I would say now..). She was 18... and she was so cute and feminine and submissive. And seemed emotionally healthier than other chicks I've been with. It's nice to see this progression of getting hotter and hotter chicks.

So we finished our drinks after a 15min talk. I easily escalate on her, no resistance. The girls from the bar staff were closely watching ;).

So we go out and we head to my car I tell her I'm gonna take home...

of course I smashed her in the car.

Many people were passing by but conviently our sweat condensed into the glass so the outside was invisible.

I fucked her raw but didn't come. She didn't have any complain, I asked if she was on the pill (she was) and said fuck it.

If anything happens, I'll use it as a motivation to make more money.

It was so good. There was good chemistry and she was so horny. I don't know what I did well but she was really into me. I mean she said my dick is so big but I know I don't have a big dick, she was trying to please me.

Although it's the second time I hear that so it might be true. After a while I was tired and wanted to go home, so I took her home

By the way, this lay was made possible by learning how to drive (which was my goal a couple of months ago)

If I see her again I'll try to take a creep pics ;)

So this is my proper 2nd cold approach lay. It would be my 4th if I were able to stick it inside the past two times.

I've made about 700 approaches so 4/700 isnt that bad.

There's so much room for improvement though.

So far I've been coasting on good looks+conveniently approaching a niche market that favors my archetype. I'm a white guy and I'm lucky with darker skinned chicks from a lower socioeconomic background. I think that plays a role.

But my results should improve with better energy and technique (I think I've the frame down lately).

Now that I'm making money I can finally take good pictures for social media and dating apps.

I'm so happy this shit is finally working out.
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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jay stone
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Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:11 am

Fuckin awesome dude
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Name: Gabo
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Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:18 am

jay stone wrote:
Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:11 am
Fuckin awesome dude
thanks. I remember reading one of your aa logs back in the day
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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Name: Gabo
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Motto: Follow your gut

Tue Feb 07, 2023 3:36 pm

I'm gonna start posting daily so I make myself more accountable.

For the next 4 days including today I will approach 20 girls a day.

I also started Fox Web Academy and I want to close my first deal this month. I'm still going through the theory part of the program but I want to start prospecting next week. So for this week I'll post the %of the course completed
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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Name: Gabo
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Motto: Follow your gut

Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:56 am

February 8th

Approached 20/20 women got 1 number from a girl with boyfriend.


I almost never get creeped out reactions anymore. Usually girls smile or laugh. So I think I have the relaxed, social and happy vibe going on.

What I lack now is more authority. Women don't stay long in the interaction, they're rushing somewhere else, etc. So I need a more commanding voice, more certainty, speak louder and more fluently, with better inflections.

Fox Legends Program: 8%
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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Name: Gabo
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Motto: Follow your gut

Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:06 am

February 9th and 10th didnt do anything. Got too gecky with theory stuff and that puts me in a non action taking mode. My main problem RN is laziness or lack of energy+living half an hour away from downtown.

I'm literally too lazy to move my ass there.

Besides, I subconsciously know that I have to go to the same place over and over and I need to get used to being "that guy".

February 11th

Did 21/20 . Got 2 phone numbers.

I'm getting good at approaching more difficult scenarios, like older women or women with kids. Heck, I approached this gorgeous redhead with her 5yo daughter and got her instagram. She seems crazy but she's so hot and the vibe was good between us.

Good eye contact is so fucking important. It's not just staring, but actually trying to "connect", with people through your eyes, which means, your eyes need to respond to the eyes of the other person.

You're not doing your solo act from memory, you need to react and adapt to other people.

Most people make eye contact when they listen but break eye contact when they talk.

It's basic nlp, people tend to look up when thinking about images for example.

Make a conscious effort to use the eyes of the other person to think, like you're looking through them.

You can create lots of "comfort" through good eye contact and smiling/laughing. This shit is obvious to me now lol

Besides, I still need to be more dominant and masculine.

What seems helpful for me to channel that masculine energy is to get into a state of anger. Anger is masculine.
Now I understand what Chris meant with "aggressive". It's not just about being "direct", but also being aggressive and high testosterone and high energy. You need to talk like you're the fucking boss.

But in much more levels that you think are even necessary. You need to understand how low is the bar for masculinity nowadays and how much masculine energy you've been repressing

Which means being "direct" is not only a matter of the words you say, but also your body language and your behavior in general.

When most people, including myself, try direct game, they parrot the "direct script", but the attitude is still timid, weak and wavering.

Which of course creates the wrong impression.

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't have some "wit" in the way you open or in the way you close.

It's just that in most cases that "fake directness" is an excuse to let go of the responsibility of the interaction, to throw the ball to the girl and make her decide. So you can comfortably say "She rejected guys".

You're 'dealing with rejection' instead of 'dealing with desire'. You're trying to 'make the ho say no', which means you're 'incorporating defeat into your intent' and assuming a 'sea of rejection' All of which is the broken script and not how winners think.

AA is not only about approaching but about how you approach. High AA not only means not being able to approach high volume, but also not being able to do it aggressively. Most techniques or tactics that work, require low anxiety in using them.

You need to learn to cross boundaries. That's what alpha males do.
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:09 am

Sisyphus wrote:
Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:06 am
She seems crazy
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Name: Gabo
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Motto: Follow your gut

Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:20 pm

February 12th

0 approaches

February 13th


What the fuck I did: lots of theory research movie body language analysis

Studied Al Pacino/Tony Montana on Scarface lol.

Important notes:

- He doesn't "register" rejection. Doesnt take a no for an answer  He just keeps going

- He has a solid script. He knows perfectly who he is and what he wants.

-All he has are his balls and his word. His masculinity in other words.

-He often doesnt answer questions directly. He changes topics or answers a question with another question.

-Doesn't laugh at other people's jokes. Completely unreactive.

-He often skips minor/immediate authorities and goes straight to the major authority.

-He doesn't comform with what he has. But at the same time doesn't "chase" success. Success comes to him.

-He has a powerful representation of the world. The world is a giant pussy waiting to be fucked!


-He often flips the script. He's the one evaluating other people.

-Occasionally compliments people. It comes off as genuine and high value. He isn't envious of other men.

-Talks well about his bosses when talking with other organizations, even when he has bad things to say about them. If he talked bad about his boss, it would have a negative impact on him aswell (his boss made the decision to hire him). Defending your boss or your product comes off as loyal which is high value.

-He isn't afraid of losing deals. Prefers to get no deal rather than a bad deal. Willing to say no to opportunities. Which puts him in a powerful position.

-Plays to win. Willing to take risks. Isnt afraid of death.

-Doesnt give a fuck about seducing the boss' girlfriend. He shits where he eats  without concern about cosequences.

-He quickly reads people. He knows who's weak, who's not trusworthy.

-Is a transgressor of other people's rules but has his own moral code.

-Is super protective of his little sister in typical latino fashion "all women are sluts except my mother and my sister"

-Body language: expands, is loud, uses his hands to talk, touches other people, strong eye contact. Although he is more of a sigma type. He has a bit of an anxious "drug addict" energy (moves fast side to side with his body). Strong eye contact, although it comes off as cold and aggressive (eyes wide open, doesn't blink, doesnt smile) He changes objects in an environment to serve a purpose.

He often gets angry, which makes him dominant, although it distances him from people close to him.

I also studied John Anthony's Occam's Razor but haven't finished it yet.

What I'm coming to understand is that there's no way in hell you can absorb all that theory at once. You need to choose 2 or 3 concepts and practice them over and over. You should probably practice for 2 or 3 months exclusively how to open properly before learning anything else.

February 14th

5 approaches

Feb 15th

Went to a Fox Web Academy zoom meeting. Need to complete the course.

12 approaches, but pussied out on a lot of approaches at a bar. My night AA is still high. I feel more observed in close environments. I also feel lower status at night.

Believe me I don't want to be "that approach guy" . But what helps me is having the idea of moving the fuck out of here. If things go south, I always can move. And I mean it for real.

Being willing to move is empowering.

Always create options for yourself.

I think I was wrong about opening. Open frontally always. Otherwise it's a weaker open. Yes, you should watch girls from the corner of your eye and your approach should be casual and spontaneous. But as soon as you make the split decision of approaching, you quickly go frontally, with decision. It's just, you dont go frontally from 20 meters away, you do it in the last moment.
If she's stationary it's ok to do it sideways. Since she's sitting, she cant run away easily. Plus approaching fromtally in situations where she is physically "trapped" can add some discomfort, although this is just a theory.

Sexualize in your mind. Try to imagine what kind of dirty things you'll do to her

There are a million factors to consider. This is why you learning game takes years and you need to practice over and over. And doing the right moves takes balls.  It's easier to do a weaker approach.


Went to a "luxury" car dealership in my city and did the "smell the leather" excercise. Basically, you go see an expensive car or house or whatever and act as if you were the customer. It's challenging since you internally know you are full of shit and can't afford that. And it also estimulates your desire.

I went to see a $24000 bmw. It's not that expensive really but it's the best I've got in my city. Sitting inside that car felt super cool though.

When I go to Buenos Aires I'll go to a Porsche dealership or something


Went to a Rosicrucian Center (similar to Freemasonry). They hadn't started meetings this year yet, but had a deep talk with a guy there.

This shit produced me high anxiety in the past mainly because of all the conspiracy theories that sorround it.

I'm a very skeptical person. But something incredible happened during/after this talk

I reconnected with 2 girls I approached in the past. 1 girl I found in a bar. Another one sent me an audio (although she was inviting me to a crypto talk, so it's not a real opportunity). A guy whom I talked to when I was working my sales job also talked to me offering me something. This was all in the span of less than 1 hour. And exactly while I was talking to this guy

It seems crazy and by all means it can be random, but when you make moves in the world stuff starts to happen to you.
Last edited by Sisyphus on Fri Feb 17, 2023 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2020 8:32 pm
Name: Gabo
Goal: Be a millionaire artist
Age: 27
Motto: Follow your gut

Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:28 pm

Crisis_Overcomer wrote:
Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:09 am
Sisyphus wrote:
Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:06 am
She seems crazy
Funnily enough, I stalked her on facebook and she had (10+years ago) that yandere character from Future Diary as a profile picture.

So yeah, trust your instinct!
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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Posts: 209 | Thanks: 171
Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2020 8:32 pm
Name: Gabo
Goal: Be a millionaire artist
Age: 27
Motto: Follow your gut

Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:48 am

Feb 16th

Woke up 8:30am
Cold shower
No fap
Went to gym

2 approaches. Hardest part for me is making the decision to do an approach session.

Feb 17th

10 approaches, 1 number. But I'm actually in Buenos Aires so 10 approaches is shit volume. I could talk to girls in the middle of the subway etc but I'm scared of everyone overhearing the convo. Fuck that

Weather suddenly went cold and rainy, that impacted my mood negatively. I also wasn't wearing my best clothes.

I'm still dependant on my appareance for good self esteem

Studied John Anthony

I completed 80% of Occam's Razor.

I will probably post my notes of Yohami John Anthony and my coach here. That+GLL+Dude75 notes is more than enough material to crush it. The hardest part is to actually implement it and change your identity.

Once I finish Occam's Razor I'm gonna go hardcore on Fox Web Academy and start implementing it asap. I'm running out of money.


My recent lay ghosted. I'm trying not too think too much about it, but I definitely made mistakes.

Mostly, I was too boyfriend material on the second date. I didn't read her properly. Not banging her on second date was a big mistake.

My logistics suck. As far as I was concerned, there were no sex hotels in my city. But there's actually one. I went there the next day to gather info. It's kinda far away, a 15-20 mins drive away from downtown. But it's doable.

At the time of the date I thought my only option was a car pull again, but the date was during daytime. I also thought about pulling her to a gas station bathroom but I cunted out. Now I regret not attempting to pull.

I wouldnt say I completely fucked up, but I was definitely suboptimal.

And it's hard to get good when you only fuck 1 girl in 150-200, and you also fuck that girl only once then she ghosts.

This is the feedback loop thing I often talk about and Yohami When you suck, you don't get enough feedback on how to improve. So you suck forever. If you're good, you keep getting positive feedback that builds your self esteem and also teaches you how keep the attraction going, which is the real challenge and game actually starts. Normie seduction advice (like Robert Greene's Seduction) assumes you already have romantic or sexual opportunities coming to you, and for good reason. If you're forever at a stage of working your way up to get new leads, there's something dysfunctional about your life.

You learn some lessons when you get rejected, but the other 50% you learn when girls chase you and you reject them. I only had this experience when I was the only heterosexual male in an art class with below average looking chicks.

I was a giant pussy back then but still, that happened to be a social situation that positioned me as a top guy totally by chance. I was never able to emulate that again. I was just starting to read Red Pill books, working on myself, etc. I was a virgin and low self esteem, but I saw how looks, socioeconomic differences and convinient preselection worked in my favor.

Now that I think about it, even in high school I had more chances than now. The only difference is that now I'm less of a pussy than then and take more action. But the opportunities were there. Even if my smv was lower, I was more introverted, etc. Social circle gifted me female attention. And I wasnt even cool nor masculine. Imagine what it would be like for cool guys?

It's unbelievable that no matter how much money you have in the bank, you can't buy the sex life of a cool guy in high school or college (you can pay prostitutes at best, but you cant buy genuine desire). It's truly a unique period of life where sex comes easy, along with fun and drugs.

Something that isnt brought out often in game discussion is that western society up until recently was based on christianity and monogamy. The acumulation of money and capital really makes sense in the context of a nuclear family, for the purpose of improving the quality of life of your offspring, and their offspring.

Money is definitely not everything in life, although almost everything is money-like. It's just another currency. In some places it's money, in others, it's about coolness, status, knowledge, peer group approval. More intangible stuff.

Hook up culture is more of a recent counter cultural phenomenon.

So why the fuck I'm writing about all this?

I really think roaming the streets nearly  every day, for months, to hook up once,  usually with an average girl and maybe a hot girl is not the right move.

This is not what I signed up for.

For me, it's effortless harem of hot girls or bust.

Any effort that I make has that outcome in mind. Any work that I do now has the goal of building the frame that's able to generate social circle, preselection, etc in the future.

So why my main goal is money now?
Money has different qualities at different quantities of it and different stages of your life.

When you are mid 20s, live with your parents in a 3rd world country, earning $5000/month with a digital business is completely life changing. You can't buy a sex life directly, but:

-you can live almost anywhere in the world you want, with good logistics
-you can buy designer clothes
-you can pay for a coach to help you
-You can pay for tinder platinum, photoshoots, etc  you can easily create multiple profiles with multiple boosts, with male model photos, John Anthony style
-you can live in a big city where online.  dating and approach are more efficient you can travel to any city and meet game experts.
-you can buy free time to party all day like an animal
-you can pay for as many activities as you can that can get you access to a social circle with hot women
-time to build social media prescence (+money to buy ads, bots, etc)
-earning money definitely boosts your self esteem across the board

Besides becoming time and location independent type of "rich", some of my last silver bullets are:

-getting a job with social visibility in nightlife (such as bartending, promoting or being a bouncer. As a way for make money they dont even make sense for me, it makes much more sense to freelance or create a small business, but I see it almost as a volunteering gig that helps you get access to the incrowd of nightlife). Maybe money allows you to skip this and buy a table, go to a vip section, etc.
-Go back to university, but with the specific goal of organizing parties at my house. Instead of approaching girls for sex, I can prospect like a promoter of my own event.
-couch surfing, meetups, hostels. Again, it doesnt make sense to me as way to live my life. It makes more sense to think it as an something that I do for fun, while being able to afford living in good conditions. Like those rich kids that go homeless.
-Activities or classes such as yoga or dance. I already signed up for acting lessons and I think it'll help hugely in of itself
-Sex clubs, swinger clubs, etc. I'm really curious about it, since you get only the sexual outcome without all the other garbage that may not interest you, like you probably do get in regular nightlife (alcohol, drugs, distraction). It does seem like a modern solution that allows outliers to live a polygamous life, while also living like a functional adult and not at a forever party stage
-Acting in the porn industry? I'm definitely not eager to do that, but if it gets you access to hot women, definitely worth considering.
-Go back to music or art and start playing live/doing expositions. Reconnecting with high school acquaintances might help me achieve this.
-learning how to organically grow social circles in any context. The most realistic way I believe is to befriend somebody that already has access, like a club promoter, the singer of a band, venue owner, etc.


I need to relax. I read the post and man, I sound so cringe. "Effortless harem od hot girls".

I don't know what impression you guys get from my huge walls of text, but I take myself too seriously. I need to be more chill/laid back.

At the same time, I've been fucking around with game for almost 5 years and I've gotten nowhere.

The fact that I'm excited about banging one cute/hot girl means this shit is not normal for me and my default is being a loser. I need to stop seeking so much validation. People smell it and it's lame. Banging hot girls should be my normal.

This isnt rocket science. This should take 6 months max to figure out. The fact that It's taking me so long means I'm an idiot, socially handicapped, or both. I need to chill 10 degrees, humble myself, learn from the real pros and start putting in the real work.

Work like a motherfucker when it matters. Dont work when it doesnt maters

Stop hanging around with losers
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 10:15 am

Sisyphus wrote:
Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:48 am
That+GLL+Dude75 notes is more than enough material to crush it. The hardest part is to actually implement it and change your identity.
@Radical recently asked me if I have any Dude75 style posts saved. If you do have any, DM him if you will. He'll appreciate it.
Sisyphus wrote:
Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:48 am
And it's hard to get good when you only fuck 1 girl in 150-200, and you also fuck that girl only once then she ghosts.
I had those numbers last year before I realized how important environment is. Take any guy who boasts a decent conversion rate and put him in a busy shopping street with people promoting/selling shit, and his numbers will plummet.

So if you want to get good during the actual approach, I wouldn't worry about volume. Instead, talk to "easy" targets. Girls who are sitting or standing in place. No moving or, God forbid, girls who are in a rush.
Sisyphus wrote:
Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:48 am
I really think roaming the streets nearly  every day, for months, to hook up once,  usually with an average girl and maybe a hot girl is not the right move.

This is not what I signed up for.

For me, it's effortless harem of hot girls or bust.

Any effort that I make has that outcome in mind. Any work that I do now has the goal of building the frame that's able to generate social circle, preselection, etc in the future.
High volume cold approach WILL make you a monster in social settings, as long as you are not socially retarded. No question about this. So I still think it's a great SUPPLEMENT to what you want to do.

The problem is that, to get laid, you also need other things working in your favor that you might or might not be able to control.

i got a few other thoughts as well but don't got time to share them now
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:35 pm

@Sisyphus do you have all the posts? I only saved one of them. The styles are out of date but i loved the way he wrote and how he tied things to social and dating. Had as much impact on me as Chris' style guides
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Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:58 pm

Radical wrote:
Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:35 pm
@Sisyphus do you have all the posts? I only saved one of them. The styles are out of date but i loved the way he wrote and how he tied things to social and dating. Had as much impact on me as Chris' style guides
No, I wish I had. On his gll thread you can read some of his posts. He deleted everything. But he was quoted by other users . Those quotes weren't deleted. And there's a link to a bunch of podcasts ln soundcloud he made back in the day. I think that is more than enough to summarize his stance on "game", how to fit in the club scene, etc. I pasted most of it somewhere, but you can read that on his thread on gll aswell.
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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Mon Feb 20, 2023 5:02 am

February 18th

Did 5 approaches. Went to a nightclub but pussied out on a lot of approaches.

I was thinking about this when I was in the nightclub.

I think approaching and getting laid are different goals.

I've met naturals and people offline that absolutely good with women but can't cold approach.

And there are also a lot of guys that can cold approach high volume but have shit results.

So it's like bodybuilding and powerlifting. Similar but they transfer to each other much less than one would think.

At this point I desperately want consistent results with hot women. And from that position of abundance I want to keep on getting ballsier, more emotional resilient, etc.

Cold approach humbles you a lot. I think it's comparable to a blue collar job. It's frustrating, monotonous. And then sometimes you hit the jackpot. Yes you can improve your ratios. But still. It's not the best position to game. Why would you put yourself in a disadvantageous position? It's also a bad position to learn.

The best mentality for me to cold approach is 'dying with dignity'. GLL had this video called "la resistance". It's simply doing the best with what you have. It's definitely better than pussying out.

But I also keep in mind that this is transitional. I'm getting out of this chasing position. I'm moving to the top and center.
Number 1 goal: Earn $1000/month (300000 ARS)
Number 2: Fuck 10 girls from cold approach (5/10)

Number 3: get to 72kg at 10% bodyfat.
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