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Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:38 am

Good. I'll hold you to it. 6/20 you'll go to that party and say hello to one girl.
2022 Goals:
(1) Get Abs
(2) Get to 15 lifetime lays (currently at 10)
(3) Move to a new city with lots of single girls - DONE 6/12
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Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:49 pm

Good Job
2022 Goals:
(1) Get Abs
(2) Get to 15 lifetime lays (currently at 10)
(3) Move to a new city with lots of single girls - DONE 6/12
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Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:19 pm

Proud of you bro ;-)
-Your friend, Ravi

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Sun Jun 27, 2021 6:20 pm

Less time online, more time offline.

Its clear the content you consume online is toxic and you have no ability to defend yourself and your mind against it. You might as well take a break from it before life takes a break from you.
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Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:30 pm

Listen to me,

I've come straight from fucking hell, so you know I have been there. You know I have been as low as human being can go and have looked satan dead in his eyes of burning coal. You and no one else on planet earth can question what I have endured, and you fucking know it. Listen to what I am saying: I know EXACTLY what is happening in your brain. I know EXACTLY what is going on in your subconscious, and the experience you are having.

I am going to tell you what I did when I was in a dark place suffering from extreme anxiety. This process took 2 years, I did it EVERY FUCKING DAY with grit and determination, worked my butt off, and became far more psychologically healthy. It's a binary decision, you do it, or you don't. Nothing else works so you can either do this, which is proven, or just flop around for years. I learned this from a week-long retreat with an amazing guy here in the UK and I paid him several thousands for this knowledge so you better appreciate I am giving it to you for free. This shit works and I went from being an anxious emotional wreck to elbowing my way up to Project Manager role developing Strategic Plans and managing 22 staff, starting from a shit job as a part-time Project Assistant whilst suffering from insane anxiety crying myself to sleep suffering loneliness and isolation to the core of my being. Years later, I am now living in the Canary Islands working remotely and supporting myself, training my arse off in the gym, learning Spanish, learning Digital Marketing, and believe me, come hell or high water I am going to find my soulmate and sail off into the horizon. I have good friends and a good relationship with my family and I found a drive inside of me that is simply savage. I am going to make it.

You need to do the following, right now:

Get a day diary. Get one from Amazon that is a day per page. So, every day has the date and a whole page that is broken down into hour long slots.

Fill EVERY HOUR with activity. Different types of activity that use different parts of your brain. An hour on playing music, an hour on music, an hour on learning languages, an hour learning about ancient history, an hour writing, etc. Get into maybe 5 new hobbies and begin flooding your brain with novel, new, stimulating data. Get into photography, do that for an hour a day, then mix in some other stuff, keep hammering your brain with data of all different types. This is called operant conditioning and anyone who overcome anything did it.

I can explain the neuroscience and what is happening in the limbic system but I genuinely never, ever, ever help people who are in a dark head space because when you do that, you are entangled with them, and they will suck you into the abyss too.

This is the one and only time I am going to break my rule, and it's for you and only you. I have friends who I know IRL who I cut off because they were complaining about life, that's how serious I am about managing my brain and gunning for victory in life. Because you have been on this forum for 2 years, I see that there is something inside of you that wants success, so I will try to nurture that part of you today but that is all I can do.

Example of a day diary:

7:00: Get up / Yoga / Listen to podcast
8:00 Breakfast / 30min walk listening to audiobook
9:00 Drawing & Listening to an artist I haven't heard before
10:00 Study music theory
11:00 Play an instrument, practice a song
12:00 Lunch / Watch documentary
1:00 Study German


If you have work or University, that's cool, stick that in, and do it whilst PRETENDING to be very happy, positive, engaged and focused. This sends data into the subconscious and this is how you build your brain to be, to be the most focused, productive, capable person on planet earth.

You need to rewrite and restructure your psyche. You can go learn about neural plasticity if you want, or you can just take the practucak and distilled science I have laid out above and start fucking hammering your brain with new behaviours, activities, and stimulating data. Work your brain HARD. Study interesting theories in art, look at new documentaries, become a totally fascinating person. STARVE the old neural pathways and BUILD new ones.

Disconnect from everything you look at. Thankfully I didn't get into the black pill or whatever the fuck that is, I want to start a family too bad to go down that road. You need to disconnect completely, and through driving new data through your brain, you will FORGET the old.

Fuck loser cunts. Don't look at any of that content, like Medusa, it will turn you into stone. I don't look at ANY content apart from David Goggins, Andy and Radical from this forum. NOTHING ELSE. Forget those people exist, they are going nowhere and they will drag you into their hell. Become strong, driven, and hard-working, then connect with the baddest most driven motherfuckers you can find. Pay to be friends with them if you need to, I get up at 1am dead tired just to speak to Andy for an hour and connect with other determined men. You want peers like that. In the future, once I have set up a digital marketing company, I will be reaching out to guys like this to do joint ventures with them and we'll make bank. Forget ALL this bullshit about politics, society, etc. I did a degree in Political Science and it is a waste of time, I have friends who are literally working in parliament now, it's a losers game, let those people waste their lives - make money, travel, build businesses, achieve highly, complete difficult challenges, climb mountains, do iron man triathlons, learn to speak 10 languages, have sex with goddesses, get married, have children, WIN IN LIFE. Fuck everybody and everything else, just find your tribe and raise your swords together and wade in the blood of your enemies.

Shut the fuck up and do this for 30 days. Every day work your arse off and learn as much new exciting shit as possible until you are STOKED to be alive.

Unless you can control your brain, it's over. The mind is primary. It's the Bridge to the Universe. BEND IT TO YOUR WILL. Nothing in life can stop something that is relentless.

Other than working on neuralplasticity and reconditioning your brain, having good overall systemic health can also help: Study the work of Dr Konstantin Buteyko and learn about circadian biology. Retrain your breathing until you have a high oxygen brain and body, you can start to learn from Artour Rakhimov on YouTube, but the best will cost you money, I learned from an amazing guy in the US and paid a grip of money for his mentoring but it was worth it. Also, getting your circadian biology on point, becoming a mitochondriac and having a high energy body will help you. Get in bed at 10pm, use blackout curtains, and after 7pm wear blue blocking glasses. Get up with sunrise and go outside and look at the sky for 10 mins every morning. Respect natures law and nature will respect you.

This is a multiple year process and you are going to need to become a fucking warrior. Watch David Goggins every day. I do. I have listened to Can't Hurt Me countless times and will until the end of my days.

I broke a seriously important rule of mine in telling you this, so this will be the last time I ever read your thread.

You understand that I am getting older now and that part of my life is simply done, I am going to succeed come hell or high water and cannot become entangled in these sorts of problems anymore, but I like you quite a lot as a human being, so I am hurt by your suffering and out of compassion I'm sending you this.

I love and respect you, but you need to save yourself. I did. You can't even imagine where I was dude, many would not be able to last 5 minutes in the world I lived in. Now I am on the path to something very big, you'll see man. Everyone will see. I have probably 3 more years of extreme work, sacrifice, and pain, but I am going to make something out of myself. Matt, turn yourself into a warrior. Every man has that part of them in him, it takes years to really embody it, so fucking start now.

You can do this. All you need in life is the ability to grind. You need NOTHING ELSE. You can come from nothing and become something if you JUST develop the ability to grind.

Print this post out and read it. I have done that for many of Andy's articles. That's how serious you need to be. Get it done. No excuses.

Overpower your brain and overcome yourself every damn day for the next few years and in 5 years time when you are making 6 figures and married to your soul mate, we will sit at the winners table together. First round's on me.

Respectfully. that's me out. Good luck with it all my brother. I hope and pray that you find the strength that is within you.

-Your friend, Ravi

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Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:00 pm

Thank you for posting brother, we care about you and respect you, you are the man and you do not know how fucking happy it would make me to see you win in don't fucking know man...Please keep going.

-Your friend, Ravi

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Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:49 pm

MattsCrib wrote:
Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:50 pm
5) Another great thing is that I've gotten my sleep schedule fixed!!! Holy shit I've been trying for YEARS! I've literally woken up at like 9-10 am for WEEKS now! I used to sleep in until like... 1-3 pm. Am I still tired? Well, yes I still have a hard-ish time falling asleep and Covid symptoms make it hard, but daaamn It feels good when my body AUTOMATICALLY just wakes up half an hour before my alarm goes off
Any tips?
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Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:07 am

fucking legend. this is my favorite log

regular processes
- track sleep, calories, and protein
- lift weights
- solve medium/hard leetcode problems
- journal

less-regular processes
- complete two "grokking" courses
- read and take notes on DDIA

- qualify for USAPL open nationals at 75kg (current bodyweight 151, S/B/D: 353/203/462)
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Thu Jul 29, 2021 7:45 pm

Jesus christ bro, you are handsome as hell (no homo).

You're a beautiful man dude. I really really want you to find someone who loves the fuck out of you. When I figure my shit out I am going to do my best to help you. In the meantime, you just seem to be exuding a different energy, I didn't want to post because I know you are in a process of deep transformation, but I am just so excited to see you post your face like this FUCK you didn't used to do things like that.

Proud of you Matt.

-Your friend, Ravi

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Thu Jul 29, 2021 8:41 pm

Not gonna lie, you look really good with that hair. I'm guessing you add some product? I'd like to steal this hairstyle :P

Edit: I wouldn't recommend going for longer hair though. I think you're gonna look a bit hipster-ish then and you will have to maintain it all the time. Though btw I know fuck all about hair :D

Edit Edit (lol): If you get jacked af then you'll avoid the hipster look with long hair.
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Thu Jul 29, 2021 9:21 pm

MattsCrib wrote:
Thu Jul 29, 2021 8:17 pm
MakingAComeback wrote:
Thu Jul 29, 2021 7:45 pm
Jesus christ bro, you are handsome as hell (no homo).

You're a beautiful man dude. I really really want you to find someone who loves the fuck out of you. When I figure my shit out I am going to do my best to help you. In the meantime, you just seem to be exuding a different energy, I didn't want to post because I know you are in a process of deep transformation, but I am just so excited to see you post your face like this FUCK you didn't used to do things like that.

Proud of you Matt.

Haha, thanks! :)
(It really depends on the angle though lol)
I sometimes believe it, sometimes I don't, but these things really do mean something :D

I have nothing to lose when I post my face here - I don't want to hide myself much. I do remove my pics usually once I get some answers.

Listen, I really do feel that guys like me and you - it's just... Not only looks dude. I hate to say it. I'm not ugly, you're not ugly. For me and you and a loooot of guys in a similar position... A big part of it just is mental, man. AND body language, which is a part of your mental side :D It's a form of body dysmorphia + OCD + Living in a system where, well, MOST average guys struggle.

But I have to freaking face it - and I truly hope you understand it one day too - There ARE guys that look like you, me, guys who are worse looking and well, they still do have nice girlfriends, they have a decent social life etc.

I know I've posted this here, but watch this

Watch the section where he's talking about how some people get kinda "hung up" on the "lookism" side etc.

Also, still, what haircut would suit more? Would you also recommend long-ish hair? :D
No bad angles can stop those viking genetics!!!!!!

For sure bro, truly, this is a good point - Andy says your life basically is your subconscious beliefs. It's mental dude. The mind is primary. BUT, the mind is also the most powerful tool IN THE WORLD, when you learn to use it. I believe it is totally adaptable, totally rewireable, and can definitely be bent to the will of the human being.

Matt, WE ARE GOING TO BE THOSE GUYS. Trust me. We are dude.

I don't really watch stuff on looks bro, for some reason I just don't resonate with it, I have a friend from this forum who is successful with women and in life (he's been with over 100) and he also sends me videos from this guy and also some others, he thinks it's totally true, but personally, I myself have seen what the mind can do. I was once so fucked man, so sick, like I was not functioning I was probably quite close to death, and through deep healing and neural plasticity I recovered enough to come back into the fight, and my whole world and outlook changed so god damn much. It's hard to put into words but basically heaven and hell is in the mind, and I personally transcended so much, there are many years of my story which were dark as hell man when I win in life I'll tell that tale lol.

How's health and wellness actions going big man? Those things can bring insane gains, like they actually will shift the neurotransmitters in your head and create new emotions within the synapses.

Just gonna leave you with the following questions, don't answer here, it's not to tell you what to do lol, just want those things to ring in your mind as the post I sent you before was IMO the master checklist for deep transformation and if I am able to somehow make those principles seep into your mind and those who read this then I can say that hellish time I my life was worth it.....:

Sleep? Food intake? Exercise & movement? Daytime light exposure? Breathwork? Cold showers? Meditation? Reading? Documentary watching? Study? Hobbies? Socialising? Daily structure/diary? Blueblockers? Supplements? Sauna? Hiking? Visualisation? Deep relaxation audios? Hot baths?

At one time in my life, when I was fucked 50 ways from Sunday, ALL I did was work fulltime and then do healing practices, basically I lived the post I sent you above for 2 years man! Do you know I cold approach every day now? If you read the posts when I first joined the forum, I couldn't do that then, I have made biiiiiiiiiiig improvements in life dude and also I have lost 25lbs, body progress pics coming in 3 weeks make sure you look ;-) Healing yourself deeply is IMO what creates the platform for personal growth, I still have lingering shit I battle to this day, but that IMO is due to a lack of love, I will find a woman who will love me bro and that will heal the remaining shit in my head that is due to lack of connection.

Praise Odin, you are gonna make it!! Rambling thoughts from me here feel free to just read it and don't worry about replying, keep hammering.

-Your friend, Ravi

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Sun Aug 01, 2021 4:46 pm

MattsCrib wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 1:28 pm
Important question:

Is anybody here from the Netherlands? Does anybody know someone who lives in Arnhem and has a place to live?

I am moving to the Netherlands in a month or so because of school, but I don't have a place to live nor do I know anyone who lives there, who has any information about places to live in etc.

I'm very grateful for every bit of information I get! :D
There's a guy in the private coaching group from the Netherlands, I will put him in touch with you to see if he can help.

-Your friend, Ravi

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Sun Aug 01, 2021 5:12 pm

You're welcome, sent him a message, he should PM you on your forum account, I'm sure he will be happy to help.

-Your friend, Ravi

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Tue Aug 17, 2021 6:44 pm

Re. intimacy,

Humans have needs bro, in childhood we need to be loved and nurtured, celebrated and praised, and when we don't get those things, we can develop a foundation that makes it harder to receive love and form a connection.

But, often our pain is a clue as to what we need to find wholeness again, the body and mind are so intelligent they give us subtle clues.

Matt, you need to feel loved, nurtured, and cared for. I do, too. Badly. I went 30 years without getting my needs met, without anything really treating me nicely, so I got myself into therapy and began to learn what I need to receive, and what I need to give.

It may serve you very, very well to find an escort who will be able to make you feel held, seen, heard, and appreciated. It did for me.

In time, the brain and body begin to heal, there is a lot that intimacy and connection can do for you.

I know the morning after I met a lovely girl last week, when I looked in the mirror, I was more at peace with the guy I saw reflected back.

Keep working, it will come together.

Re, anger etc, there are tonnes of healing practices that are super calming, and can truly heal the emotional bain: breathwork, grounding/earthing, circadian rhythm work, posture work, core work, etc. I have done these for years and they built the platform for my growth. Not here to tell you what to do, that's not my style, but I do want to keep mentioning them, so if you don't mind, I'll leave you with the following: for a deeply happy, vibrant mind, we want a high energy body, with high oxygen, high levels of electrons, and basically, a body that is one of the most energetic in this world. High energy means high dopamine. With low dopamine, we are angry, resentful. bitter, With high dopamine, our minds are capable of the greatest of genius, and more important that anything else, of deep, deep love and intimacy.

I do a lot of this work and consult with people who are 'mitochondriacs' and in the quantum health world.

Keep hammering,
-Your friend, Ravi

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Thu Aug 19, 2021 12:40 am

MattsCrib wrote:
Thu Aug 19, 2021 12:34 am
I'm sorry guys. It's not for me, I can't go further for now. I hope you all find happiness. People are generally nice, I needed help but I couldn't get it,the solutions didn't fit. I will not be in this forum anymore and will take a long break. Thank you for reaching your goals, please, please keep going.
Before you go, could you catch me up to speed on where you started vs. where you are now? I'm confident that I can help give you a few tips on what could help you during your hiatus.
Vice's Log (Threesomes, military adventures, online dating shitshow, and shaking off the rust from night game: viewtopic.php?t=739
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