The IronWill Project: Year 3 of MAC DADDY: Realising My Greatness: Time To Delete My Log...?

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Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:50 am

Radical wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 9:00 pm
I sort of know the area

Im in Manchester. For any real dating success you really want to be in a big city
Manchester is such a cool place man, spent a lot of time there, used to go to Parklife every year. Really is true that people are nicer up North, on the festival circuit I'd have the most wholesome interactions at Parklife and would be at London festivals the next week and encounter some right cunts. Haha.

But to your point, I accept what you say here.

I lived in a major UK city from 20-25, so that's all through Uni and a bit post, and yeah it was insane for nightlife, shocking number of cubs and bars that were packed out, home to some of Europe's largest superclubs, so massive places with 5 floors, thousands of partiers. I did all my night-time approaching in this environment for 2 years, including the bit of day-game I did for, what, 3 months at best.

In addition, just before Covid-19, I had a job offer in London and was about to secure a place to stay - that got rescinded 24 hours later when Covid blew up, but thankfully I hadn't given in my notice at my current role as I wanted to get a confirmation letter/have a job offer in writing first. Since then, I've lived in this smaller town.

Moving forwards, as per goal #4 Enjoy Life, I will be hopping around and working remotely around Europe, so being in major cities will be part of that. If/when I return to the UK after that process, I will most likely get myself in a major city again.

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Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:51 am

Morning Weight: 244.4lbs (down 4lbs)

Cool. I will track my morning weight every day and keep a spreadsheet to work out averages.
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Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:50 pm


(1) Weight Loss
(A) Maintain calorie deficit: 1800klcal consumed (DONE)
(B) Exercise: Resistance Training (DONE)
(C) Health: All habits were done, day-time blue blockers were worn, with night-time blue blockers on at 6pm. Infrared sauna and cold bath done. Day planned for tomorrow and about to go to bed now at 9pm to get up at 545, which is when the sun comes up (I practice morning sun gazing and grounding, for circadian biology). (DONE)

Let's keep losing this weight....

I am looking at places to go for an extended stay when travel becomes possible for UK nationals, Thinking of pissing off to the Canary Islands for 5 months and relaxing on the beach, learning new things, dropping my weight, working remotely and shit, trying to get a date??? Why not....

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Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:08 pm


(1) Weight Loss:
(A) Maintain calorie deficit: 1800klcal consumed (DONE)
(B) Exercise: 30 min jog done. 30min core work and stretching done. (DONE)
(C) Health: All habits done, watched sunrise, practiced 10min earthing first thing, wore day-time blue blockers, and shortly about to switch to with night-time blue blockers. Will get to bed at 9pm for a 530 rise.

Day was good, got work done effectively and CEO sent me a text saying she was happy (boom). Got a nice morning walk in for an hour listening to a great podcast.

Now going to unwind, read some of Andy's articles, watch some interesting videos, and read. Started a great book called Life On the Edge, by Jim Al-Khalili, on the subject of Quantum Biology. I am heavily interested in bio-hacking, breathwork, and light/tempering practices like cold, sauna, earthing, etc. Also going to get the guitar out and relax.

Best wishes,
MAC (haha I like that as a signoff)
-Your friend, Ravi

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Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:41 pm

MattsCrib wrote:
Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:39 pm
If your struggles are as real as you've written - I'm so sorry. Damn. How is it POSSIBLE to get 2000 rejections?

Other guys here: what the hell are guys like him doing wrong?????
I've literally seen way smaller, uglier guys getting laid. I've seen antisocial guys get laid. I just... Don't get it.
How can you guys even say that "it's worth it" and "results will come" - this guy has been trying to improve himself for over ten(!) years.
I'm really sorry, but people who just blatantly lie that "you just have to try harder lol" are... Wrong.

Maybe you should just not try anymore. Maybe i'm completely wrong, but if everything you're saying is true then... Why do you even bother?
Why not focus on actual positive things that ARE under your control? If women fundamentally don't like you after ten years of self improvement... Like..

I'm baffled, confused... Because on one side, I see NORMAL LOOKING guys who are not freaking 6 foot 5 get at least some girlfriends and on the other side, I see guys like you who... Just wtf? In your picture, you look normal.

I see partially myself in you, except I haven't approached 2000 girls. I still have the dislike towards relationships, romance and sex (but not towards girls on a platonic level)

So I beg you, please prove me wrong and succeed I really, REALLY want to see you to succeed because right now - as a person who has just read your story, hasn't seen your full appearance and doesn't know which parts are exaggerated - I just don't believe you can. I really, REALLY hope you can.
Thanks for your post!

Yeah, I get it - it's a strange position to be in as a guy, and around the age of 27, I did experience deep sadness and even loneliness, to the absolute core that it is possible to feel these emotions. I had the realisation: shit, I'm not going to have the dream wife, the kids running around, I have not made the cut. I felt terrible for about a week but shrugged it off. I love the work I do and am good at it, am respected by my colleagues and am trusted to deliver complex and difficult projects. I got over it like we as men must do. We all have a cross to bear in life my friend, I will bear mine.

I'm not exaggerating. I'm too old for that, have put in too much time, and am not here to waste ANYONE's time - I will put in 100% every single day and follow the advice the group gives.

Last year, I could prove to you I am not exaggerating within a second, as I have posted all field reports online. The forum I was posting on got taken off the internet (company name started with an R, ended in a D), so it's gone, but I also took 2 boot camps with this company at 2 grand a piece, and can actually provide you with the screenshot of the invoices if that would clarify that I am not bullshitting or something (lol). I am not exaggerating mate, like I said, what's done is done now - I am here to improve myself and change, what I have done has not made the mark.

Further clarity on numbers:

Nights out followed the same format: (A) Warmup: I would always open 15 girls to warmup, within short period of entering the venue - if they are receptive, I would talk to them for as long as possible. Very, very few were receptive off the bat, so I just kept opening to build momentum. I could do this easily. (B) 5-10 quality approaches: Here, I would open strong, and really try to get a conversation going, try to get a connection and hopefully find someone who I like, who perhaps liked me too. Over the 2 years regular, 4 nights per week night-game, very few girls were interested in talking to me. Post Uni, from 24-25 (before I went travelling), I went on holiday with my bros, just to get drink basically (I was not drinking when doing 'game'), and when we went to Greece, I got one girl to talk to me all night. I then asked her to go for a walk on the beach with me, and she said she couldn't leave her friend. That was that.

Day-game, I just did the standard stuff, ask girls for the time to open, then try to get a conversation going, get a number. I got to the point where I was getting 10-20 numbers per week. And you know what? After 3 months of this, not one girl texted back.

In total, these were between 1,000-2,000 approaches. That is a genuinely accurate number, I am not exaggerating, I am telling the truth. I am happy to be open and honest with you all here and in time you will get to know me. I am a genuine and honest bloke and I am truthful, loyal, and not a liar at all! Sorry if this sounds defensive but I had to address the issue of 'exaggeration'. Again, had I been asked last year, I would have had a journal of 400 pages to link to you. But, it's gone.

"Maybe you should just not try anymore. Maybe i'm completely wrong, but if everything you're saying is true then... Why do you even bother? Why not focus on actual positive things that ARE under your control? If women fundamentally don't like you after ten years of self improvement... Like.."

It's not about women, brother. It's not about them anymore. This is about me.

I have been grinding my ass off since I was 11 years old man. It never was going to be an easy life for me, been in a challenging environment from day 1, but always been a hard worker and fairly smart. Went to a failing school (30% pass rate, tragic but true) and got straight A's and went to a top 10 Uni despite it, which I am still proud of to this day, I literally had to teach myself in my own time after school, and I still achieved my goal. Some of my friends in school made other choices, they are now in prison. I chose the path of hard work and got the first job I could (paper round lol). Why should I give up when I have given my heart and soul to be a better person? I appreciate life itself and the growth that is possible. I have had some experiences in life that just do not let me give up, I volunteered on a hospital ward for 2 years, I have seen men in their 60s and 70s with a terminal prognosis weep because they wasted their life, beg me to not waste my life, promise me to keep going and try to 'go on and do something. I made a promise I won't break for anyone and the only way I will stop trying is if you take a gun and blow my fucking brains out. I will be here getting rejected until I am 90 years old.

"Why not focus on actual positive things that ARE under your control? "

Agree, good point actually. I do. My hobbies are also a focus:
-Playing guitar daily (11 years)
-Learning Spanish (3 years daily)
-Photography & Videography (weekends mostly)
-Learning about quantum physics and biology
-Politics, Society
-Debating and discussing with my best friend (weekly)

After the age of 27, I stopped 'trying' with women and think about them very little. If you know about NoFap, I do that and enjoy building up large streaks.

I know everyone else finds someone, I've watched all my friends get married and have kids, have been best man at 2 weddings lol. So this is nothing new to me mate. I do actually have female friends, have no problem getting on well with colleagues and in the past, staff (in my previous role I had 22 staff, most of which were female, obviously I got on with everyone fine - I've actually won achievement awards at every job I've had and my LinkedIn has 6 really glowing testimonials from previous employees who loved working for me and found I was a supportive boss...they happened to be female...I just want to say I am not a total monster everyone hates or something, I have good friends and good relationships with my family etc).

I have entertained the thought that there is something deeper going on, at 'energetic' levels, or within the subconscious. I am quite a practical dude and not too into the esoteric, but even I went there. Have you seen the movie Taxi Driver? In it, there is a scene where Travis Bickle is driving around late at night, and he declares: "I'm God's lonely man". When I was on Tinder for 1.5 years and looked at my screen and saw there were 6 matches, and they wouldn't reply to save my fucking life, I did have the thought that perhaps I am God's lonely man, sent here to atone for the sins of a past life or pay a karmic debt. A bit mad but I did have this thought. It was a passing, fleeting thing, and not something I felt again lol.

There is no way for me to tell you why I have ended up in the position I am in, but it's probably a mixture of: (a) being ugly, (b) low self-esteem, (c) women not having any interest in guys they find unattractive (can you really blame them?)

You made some great points and your post was valuable to me, MattsCrib. I am not able to reassure you that I will succeed or prove to you that I have any answers because I am not a guy who figured this stuff out, and women do not want to be with me. I am quit ugly and have low self-esteem. I am the last guy who can reassure anyone I will succeed - I here because I need help bro. I might as well be honest? But what I can say is I will do my best.

I know this looks negative as fuck but let's not leave it on that tone lmao!!! Can we just agree that tomorrow we will have a fucking kick ass day and crush our goals? I did fine today and don't want to end on a downer as it's my bedtime in 20 mins fuck haha.

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Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:01 am

@MattsCrib Definitely, the looks department will need a lot of work. I will get there. Once I get to 200lbs I will post my pics and get honest feedback.

Morning Weight: 244.0lbs (down .04)

Sleep: Got up at 5am, which was 30mins before my alarm, but I didn't have any interruptions in the night! Usually wake up 2-3 times, so this is good!

Now to hammer my day.
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Thu Mar 25, 2021 11:58 am

mufagga is 6'5" brah did you make sure that's your tinder bio???
This is my bio, it works.

Otherwise, keeping improving the looks. It's worth it!
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Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:17 pm

Really that bio works? God damn, I didn't know you could have one as simple as that. Mine did have my height on it yeah! I'm not fully sure on the details as I stopped trying 3 years ago, but I think my Tinder was a few quirky lines, and then about 5 bullet points, the first one was "Giant - 6 ft 5", and then it was my hobbies, "Guitar", "Language Learning", "Travel", "Photography".

Girls don't really care about our hobbies and stuff huh? Just more about looks I guess? Which is fair enough of course, I think many blokes are just the same!

Hey thanks man, I will keep hammering it. I also see that you are at my goal weight already and are also a giant bloke - fuck yeah man, you're on the money there. Appreciate the encouragement bud it means a lot.

Cheers guys,
-Your friend, Ravi

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Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:43 pm

The bio isnt really important
Mines like

'Got my own place in the city
I'm 28
6 ft 2

Don't steal my favourite shirt'

But for the journey of making a decent profile that works internalise the following

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Thu Mar 25, 2021 6:41 pm

MakingAComeback wrote:
Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:17 pm
Girls don't really care about our hobbies and stuff huh? Just more about looks I guess?
They sincerely don't give a rats arse about our hobbies. It's kinda sad but I promise ya, sex will make up for it.

This is not to say that all girls are emotionally bankrupt sacks of meat. Most are just too focused on them to care about you. Eventually you'll find girls who have a genuine interest into you and what you do, and they're the ones you'll have the strongest feelz for.
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Thu Mar 25, 2021 7:34 pm

Crisis_Overcomer wrote:
Thu Mar 25, 2021 6:41 pm
They sincerely don't give a rats arse about our hobbies. It's kinda sad but I promise ya, sex will make up for it.

This is not to say that all girls are emotionally bankrupt sacks of meat. Most are just too focused on them to care about you. Eventually you'll find girls who have a genuine interest into you and what you do, and they're the ones you'll have the strongest feelz for.
I mean, it depends...
I once read on a typical bluepill PC relationship advice subreddit that there are no attractive hobbies, only compatible hobbies. (that comment had a few thousand upvotes too!)
Now, that is obviously false if you have even basic social acumen. There are obviously more attractive and less attractive hobbies. Compare being a guitarist in a local band that does gigs in packed bars and playing videogames competitively.
I think I don't need to explain which one is more attractive and why.

Attractive hobbies tend to be cool and social.
That being said, if you are already attractive, girls may very well find your hobbies attractive even if they aren't strictly speaking attractive in and of themselves.
If you demonstrate passion, masculine drive, diverse interests through your hobbies, they may very well be perceived as attractive.

Moreover, having status in any kind of hobby can definitely help you get laid.
I have seen quite average guys getting laid with great ease by being leaders of student clubs. And I'm not talking about strictly speaking attractive things, even debate clubs, political discussion groups, reading circles and the like fit the bill perfectly. Dozens of fresh young hot girls would enter these clubs at the beginning of every semester and the leaders would tutor them, teach them some stuff, they had status in their communities and the respect of other members. Of course they got laid!

In my case, I am a huge history nerd. Most people that meet me have never met someone who's more historically knowledgeable in their entire lives outside of professors (and I say that with perfect confidence).
And it comes up quickly in conversation.
I often use it as a foot-in-the-door kind of thing. I meet a lot of internationals from dozens of countries around Europe and the world and the vast majority of the time I vaguely know the place and a bit about its history, which I can reference.
This immediately sets me apart from everyone else in the room because I already have a reference point to build on with the girl.

Example 1: One night in the bar I introduce myself to this girl. She tells me she's from a small village outside a large city in Norway. I immediately go aha, you mean Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Kristiansand...?
Right off the bat she's impressed. That's 4 more Norwegian cities than most people know and 3 more than 90% of educated people know. She asks me how I know so much about Norway, I tease her a bit and tell her there's a lot of things she doesn't know about me and so on. Immediately we're off to a good start.
We still talk and she's been back in Norway for a year now.

Example 2: One evening at a student debating club simulating a NATO session where I'm playing the role of Lithuania this girl comes in. She sees my country placard and being Lithuanian herself, offers to help me out. I tell her I don't need help understanding Lithuania and quickly rattle off some basic points about Lithuanian culture, history and politics to prove it.
Let's just say she's beyond impressed. Most people barely know her country by name and I've just referenced her country's mythical founder. Especially in the case of countries that have a strong national pride (Lithuania definitely being one of those) this is not just a foot in the door, it's more like blowing the door wide open with a bazooka.
Yup, I fucked her that same evening.
Did I fuck her by being a nerd? No but I don't think I would have fucked her if I weren't a nerd.

There are many more examples where I don't think it necessarily helped me get laid but girls tell me that they find my incredibly broad knowledge very hot. They like the fact that they can ask me a question about some random thing and I can give them a half hour lecture that will actually be comprehensible.
I don't think they like it more than my big biceps but whatever, I don't read history to get pussy.

Another important point, it leverages a juxtaposition like GLL talks about here: ... taposition
I have cultivated quite a bit of edge in my appearance (earrings, clothing, beard, accessories, muscle, tattoos coming soon!) and this often creates the impression that I'm a dumb meathead.
Well, it doesn't take long after I open my mouth for that to be proven very, very wrong.
What's nice about the topics I can talk about is that they're approachable for almost all people in everyday conversation. You could have a degree in astrophysics but how many people can you really talk about that shit with?
Whereas social matters seem like natural discussion topics.
In fact multiple women have explicitly described this phenomenon to me (I seem like a stupid meathead, I start talking and they see I'm not and the contrast is hot) so I know it works.
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Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:59 pm

Agreed. I've also experienced the "they think I'm dumb until I open my mouth" phenomenon. Few years back I was introducing myself as a trainer and girls always thought my interests were "eating chicken and rice every 3 hours" and "bench press". Afterwards they were impressed when they realized how well-read I was.

However, I was talking about interests/hobbies in the context of Tinder bio. If you have a cool hobby, it's better having a pic demonstrating than saying it in your description. "Show, don't tell" as we say in advertising.
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Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:51 pm

Crisis_Overcomer wrote:
Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:59 pm
However, I was talking about interests/hobbies in the context of Tinder bio. If you have a cool hobby, it's better having a pic demonstrating than saying it in your description. "Show, don't tell" as we say in advertising.
Oh yeah definitely, it's not like I ever look at a girl's listed hobbies either.
Seeing a girl riding a surfboard in a cool picture speaks a million times louder than reading "surfing" in a list of hobbies.
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Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:46 am

Radical wrote:
Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:43 pm
The bio isnt really important
Mines like

'Got my own place in the city
I'm 28
6 ft 2

Don't steal my favourite shirt'

But for the journey of making a decent profile that works internalise the following

Damn the line about having your own place, how did I forget that
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Fri Mar 26, 2021 2:26 pm

Looking forward to seeing your progress, man. Looks like you'll get a lot of mileage out of losing the extra weight. Props to you for keeping a good attitude despite everything and still going after your goals.
2022 Goals:
(1) Get Abs
(2) Get to 15 lifetime lays (currently at 10)
(3) Move to a new city with lots of single girls - DONE 6/12
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