Svadhishthana's log

The main purpose of this forum; tell us what goals you're working on.
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Thu Jul 22, 2021 11:44 pm

Hi all,
I'm here because the goal of my life is to live fully, and to have a great breadth of the human experience, and not to, when I am lying on my deathbed, regret that I was too afraid to even try to achieve my dreams. And one of my dreams is to fuck a lot of hot women. Not a lot-a lot. But while I'm still on this side of middle age, I'd like to feel, at least for some amount of time, that sex with women I find attractive is not only within the realm of possibility, but can be achieved with a modest and straightforward amount of effort.

A bit about myself.

I grew up in a pretty normal, middle class, suburban American family. But I was a little fuckin' weirdo who had no social skills and didn't bathe too much until around high school. As such my social skills never really caught up to my peers, and I was a virgin until I was 23. I was also raised in a pretty normal, middle class, suburban American family, so sex was totally taboo, and I have a really hard time being open and honest about anything sexual, because I have a hard time believing that people won't think I'm evil if I tell them I want sex, and women won't immediately think I want to rape them. Hence, my sexual experience is pretty limited. But paradoxically, I also have it ingrained in me that if I admit to people that I don't have that much experience, and that I struggle with this, then they'll think I'm a worthless failure piece of shit, and won't want anything to do with me. So I have a pretty large amount of anxiety around sexual topics, since I'm always nervous everyone will think I'm both a terrible person *and* an abject failure at everything.

As such, I don't even have that much experience trying to meet women romantically/sexually. I've never openly hit on a woman in person - at most I've been a bit flirty. I also resisted using online dating like tinder for a long time, since I knew I would be mortified if anyone ever borrowed my phone and saw I had the app installed, which would be an admission that I was looking for sex, and therefore evil, and also a loser. The only romantic success I ever had was in college, where I managed to kiss 4 girls, 2 of whom I managed to get naked with. One of those girls I managed to have sex with, and she became my on-again-off-again, sometimes long distance girlfriend.

The thing that really burns me up is that I know I'm good looking, and intelligent, and successful *enough* for women to like me. Not all women, but some. And the women who were interested in me were typically freaking hot. So the conclusion I've come to is that what turns women off isn't my appearance or anything outward - it's just me. Like, at the deepest core of who I am, women see something repulsive and are turned off by it. And I think there's some truth to this, but I think this mostly lies in my hangups around being open and honest about sex. For several years, I spent a ton of time reading around in circles about dating advice and gender relations and various critiques of x, y, and z, but I could never find any advice that really made any sense. So for the last few years, I basically gave up on dating and committed to setting myself up for the rest of my life.

When I was in college getting my software degree, I came upon the Mr. Money Mustache blog. Early retirement. I've never been very money-motivated - the argument that being very money-motivated led to a consumerist treadmill of perpetual dissatisfaction always resonated with me. And in college, I was happier than I've been before or since, and lived on very little money. I love the outdoors and shoestring travel, and those are pretty damn cheap. So when I read the blog, everything lined up. Take the excess income from being a software developer, put it into passive investments, and the spend the rest of your life how you please. And now I am veeeeeeery close to achieving this goal. Just a few more months at 30 years old, and I'll be quitting my development job and living off rental income from a couple houses, with a nice cushion of index funds to tide me over in the hard times.

With all this nearly squared away, I decided to look for some new advice on attracting women, and serendipitously arrived here. I started reading what Andy wrote, and said "finally - something that makes sense, covers its bases, is practical, and is empathetic to fucking humans!" So I'm sold, and am now actively working towards getting laid again.

I'm a big fan of the writing of the strength coach Dan John. He has some really good thoughts on the benefits of authorities - funny, because I never liked authorities myself. But Dan says that authorities are good, because they can tell you where to go and what to do. They remove the thinking, questioning, decision-making process from your brain. Dan says "when someone asked me why I was doing 4 sets of 8, my answer was 'because Dick said so'". Let someone else do the thinking, so you can focus on the doing. So that's the strategy I'm adopting here.

I bought a DSLR camera. Why? Because Andy said so.
I hired a strength coach. Why? Because Andy said so.
I'm reading You Can't Afford The Luxury of a Negative Thought. Why? Because Andy said so.
I'm trying to lose about 20 lbs. Why? Because Andy said so.
I'm buying new clothes that look better on me. Why? Because Andy said so.
I went through all the existing photos I have of myself. Why? Because Andy said so.
I'm whitening my teeth. Why? Because Andy said so.
I joined the forums, and will post progress updates and ask for feedback here. Why? Because Andy said so.

Current goals:
1) Retire
1a) Get everyone in my current house on year-long leases that end in the same season to limit management effort.
1b) Finish fixing up my current house to limit maintenance needs in the future and increase home value.
1c) Buy another house in the mountains and turn it into an AirBnb
1d) Pull the trigger and tell my job I quit this soul-sucking grind (politely)

2) Get strong - obviously, this helps with everything. I want to be hotter, more athletic, and more injury resistant.
2a) Stick to a regular sleep schedule
2b) Hire a strength coach and do what they say
2c) Fix diet to lose 20 lbs

3) Get laid
3a) Get better pictures for dating apps
3ai) Learn to use dslr
3aii) Get better clothes, hair, beard styling
3aiii) Learn to pose and take lots of pictures constantly until I have good ones
3b) Get laid at least once before I turn 30
3bi) Get back on dating apps using Andy's advice
Previous goals:
- Retire in early 2022 with combo index funds / real estate. (Complete, late)
- Get fit (hotter, more athletic, more injury-resistant). (Ill defined, but improved)
- Get laid at least one more time before 30th birthday (Complete).
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Fri Jul 23, 2021 5:37 am

Let's GOOOOO ;)

Great goals & totally attainable.

Keep hammering.

-Your friend, Ravi

Consistent Performance Coach, Admin of WinnerWithin, and Seeker of Human Potential

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Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:36 am

Thanks MAC! Your support means a lot. I've been reading through your log from the beginning and it's inspiring - only about halfway though, so no spoilers!
Previous goals:
- Retire in early 2022 with combo index funds / real estate. (Complete, late)
- Get fit (hotter, more athletic, more injury-resistant). (Ill defined, but improved)
- Get laid at least one more time before 30th birthday (Complete).
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Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:50 am

Means a lot to me man. Thank you. You will win, we won't allow you to attain anything less than excellence. Work hard, we're watching. ;)

-Your friend, Ravi

Consistent Performance Coach, Admin of WinnerWithin, and Seeker of Human Potential

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Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:57 am

So, what I've done so far -

Got dslr and started learning how to use it. Taking pictures with it when I can, bringing it to social events I go to. Everyone is stoked when I get shots of them on climbing trips.

Once, shot some pics of myself for dating sites. But realized I over committed, combining learning the camera, posing, environmental factors, and putting it all together at once. I need to break all these things down to get better shots.

Got contacts. This wasn't in the guide, but I knew I needed to do it. I've already noticed a difference in people being nicer and more engaged with me when they can see my eyes directly.

Grew a beard. Was just shaving my full face before. Have received compliments, but idk if they're real.

Built out a home gym with barbell, kbs, squat rack. Hired a strength coach, who has been excellent so far. I feel my posture improving, my core getting more solid. Only problem is my hamstrings are constantly sore, lol!

Bought some new clothes. I stayed pretty tame, but at least they're a bit tighter and aren't covered in paint and drywall.

Started a food, sleep, and alcohol log to help bring down my weight.

Today, I recreated my Tinder according to Andy's recommendations. For some reason my heart was pounding. Stupid emotional response, but it's some combination of excitement over possibilities, and fear about the failure I've had before.


My goals, by rule of thumb, should be cascading. That is, I should focus on the tip one, and only when I've hit stopping points with that should I move on to the next. That is, retiring takes priority, period. Then getting strong and healthy. Then fucking. Because the former two will not only help with the latter, but will also be massive improvements in my quality of life on their own.

So the Todo list for my current house :
Lay pavers for back patio/fire pit
Reinforce + repaint back deck
Finish home climbing wall
Put solar on the roof for the environment (and sick tax credits)

Todo for health and strength:
For weight loss, get back to sleeping on time, eating a reasonable diet, and cut back on drinking (that's the hard part). Also just got the book Lean And Strong by Josh Hollis, and I want to read it to see what he has to say.
For strength, that's easy. Do what my strength coach says. She's awesome - working with what equipment I have and old injuries I've accumulated. Really the key here, again, is to just sleep better so I will recover between workouts.

Finally, for getting laid, I assume I have a lot to do, but maybe not all of it is apparent now. I assume I will discover it as I go. But currently:
Learn how to use a camera (mostly taking lots of pics, but I also intend to read the book Understanding Exposure).
Learn to use Photoshop.
Review tinder profile.
Set up other profiles.
Get pics reviewed on here.
Practice posing, and using the camera in the 3rd person.

Stoked! But it's way past my bedtime now. Sleep is a priority.
Previous goals:
- Retire in early 2022 with combo index funds / real estate. (Complete, late)
- Get fit (hotter, more athletic, more injury-resistant). (Ill defined, but improved)
- Get laid at least one more time before 30th birthday (Complete).
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Fri Jul 23, 2021 3:29 pm

House stuff is big. I have a shit ton of money wrapped up in this investment and it's what I'm pinning my future on, so it *has* to work out. As such, my to do list weighs heavy on my mind and is my top priority, and the sooner I can tick all the things on that list, the more mental capacity I'll have to focus on losing weight and getting laid.

Right now, there are 4 big projects I need to finish up, after which I'll consider myself done, and everything else gravy.

1) Finish home climbing wall. This is half just for me, but is also a good marketing and retention tool for tenants who don't suck and who I can relate too. Just need to install the crack machine and clean up now. Then pretty it up for a photoshoot for marketing shots.

2) Back patio/fire pit. Another one for marketing and retention. Lots of physical labor digging and flattening dirt and laying concrete pavers. Will try to get a landscaping company to sell me a ton of sand today which I can use to level the surface and prevent future upheaval. If I can't, I might have to bite the bullet and pay inflated hardware store prices, because I want this done this weekend.

3) Reinforce and repaint back deck. The previous owners clearly didn't give a shit, so there are a few rotten boards underneath that are flexing, and the paint is stripping terribly which will only lead to more wear and tear. Reinforcing with a few more boards should be pretty straightforward, and will keep the deck going for at least half a decade longer. Painting will be a giant pain in the ass, since I'll need to strip and sand the current paint job - but it's a straightforward task I can do while listening to an audiobook. Goal is to start this Monday.

4) Solar. Due to tax credits in the US, you basically get paid to install solar on your house, and my roof is perfectly suited for it. I plan to use Project Solar, since they cut costs by having you do all the work that would normally be hired out to contractors, while they handle filing the paperwork with the government and simply drop the panels on your roof for you to install. This is last, since I'm still gathering info on how much electricity I use.

After I do those things, house work will just be odds and ends I can take care of at leisure until early next year when I can start looking to buy another house.

I have a couple leases coming up at the end of September. Hopefully I can turn these into year-longs. If not, my work right now should yield some excellent marketing pictures I can use to get good tenants.

Beyond doing a bunch of hard manual labor for my house, other weekend plans are:

Finish workouts for the week.
Go to sleep by 10 each night.
No drinking (a friend is having a party next Friday, so I wanna save my recovery hit for that).
Previous goals:
- Retire in early 2022 with combo index funds / real estate. (Complete, late)
- Get fit (hotter, more athletic, more injury-resistant). (Ill defined, but improved)
- Get laid at least one more time before 30th birthday (Complete).
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Fri Jul 23, 2021 11:24 pm

Set myself up well for the weekend. Got a ton of sand in my back yard now I can use for leveling pavers for my patio/fire pit, ready to be shoveled in the hot sun tomorrow.

However, I haven't been sleeping too well lately. And I drank the last two nights in a row, so I'm feeling like absolute trash today.

This evening, going to work out. Then, give myself permission to get laid. Cleaning up my room, my car, myself. Then will follow Andy's guide for boosting/swiping/messaging. Since I just installed the app, I already have some likes, but I don't expect anything will come of them. Just viewing this as a trial run/ practice/ feedback gathering mission. If I actually do get some responses, that would be great! But expectation's a hell of a drug.

Assuming nothing happens, gonna go to bed at 10, and hopefully get back on the sleeping saddle.
Previous goals:
- Retire in early 2022 with combo index funds / real estate. (Complete, late)
- Get fit (hotter, more athletic, more injury-resistant). (Ill defined, but improved)
- Get laid at least one more time before 30th birthday (Complete).
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Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:17 am

I see you working.

Keep hammering. It will come together.

-Your friend, Ravi

Consistent Performance Coach, Admin of WinnerWithin, and Seeker of Human Potential

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Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:10 pm

So yesterday, did my workout and did some cleaning and such. Then I set to work at Tinder.

I knew I'd already gotten likes from my sign up boost and quickly went through them. Mostly fat girls. I appreciated their likes, and I'm sure they're lovely people, but I'm just so unattracted to fat girls I don't know if I could get it up around one. So that cleared out most of my existing likes.

Then around 9, I activated my first boost. Wasn't expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised when I started getting a few matches. Messaged those girls immediately, mostly with Andy's template. One girl I went off script for messaged me back a couple times with "I'm bored, entertain me" chit chat. No other replies.

I tried going into this with no expectations - figured I'd maybe get a few likes from fat girls, and no messages, but I actually managed to match with a couple hot girls, and got some messages that died out. So I feel like I'm actually in a pretty good place. My pics definitely need a lot of work, as does my body, but honestly I was *shocked* by how attractive some of my matches were. It was like I'd clicked on one of those banner ads about things that doctors *hate*, and then I actually got the cure for cancer!

Pretty happy with my life, I went to bed at 10 for the first time this week....

So of course, at 2 am, one of my tenant/roommates smoke alarms goes off. I'm confused. She's confused. There's no smoke. I give her the detector from my room in case there's some kind of gas leak in hers and disable the beeping one. Check my phone to see what time it is, and tinder is the first app open when I unlock....

One of those ludicrously hot girls messaged me back! What the ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?

I try to calm down. No point to messaging her now, and God I'm exhausted. I try to go back to sleep, telling myself she'll still be there in the morning, telling myself if I got a message from one hot girl, I can get more - this isn't a once in a lifetime opportunity I'm currently blowing. But my adrenaline is pumping, and my dick is throbbing at even the thought of the possibility of fucking someone that hot. I roll around in bed for hours until I decide to meditate for a bit just to calm down, and actually get back to sleep.

Scrolling through messages here, I think I borked my settings though, and all my good messages were from girls ~50 mi away. So probably not going anywhere. But this is quite the revelation still. Adjusting to have a smaller search radius, then back to work.
Previous goals:
- Retire in early 2022 with combo index funds / real estate. (Complete, late)
- Get fit (hotter, more athletic, more injury-resistant). (Ill defined, but improved)
- Get laid at least one more time before 30th birthday (Complete).
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Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:14 pm

And thank MAC! I appreciate it!
Previous goals:
- Retire in early 2022 with combo index funds / real estate. (Complete, late)
- Get fit (hotter, more athletic, more injury-resistant). (Ill defined, but improved)
- Get laid at least one more time before 30th birthday (Complete).
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Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:00 pm

You're welcome bro.

These are some wins dude!!! Cherish them, they are sacred. Be SUPER happy about them. I am personally very happy for you.

Keep hammering,
-Your friend, Ravi

Consistent Performance Coach, Admin of WinnerWithin, and Seeker of Human Potential

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Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:52 pm

I am definitely super psyched, since I remember when I first started tinder, literally maxing out swipes every day for months and getting absolutely zilch. I know I'm getting closer, just gotta keep on keeping on.
Previous goals:
- Retire in early 2022 with combo index funds / real estate. (Complete, late)
- Get fit (hotter, more athletic, more injury-resistant). (Ill defined, but improved)
- Get laid at least one more time before 30th birthday (Complete).
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Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:56 pm

An update:
As expected, putting up the crack machine took longer than expected. Working on patio/ fire pit today - hard manual labor in the hot sun, so much fun! At least I get to work on my tan.

Worked out last night. Have some annoying pain in my upper back. Nothing concerning, but it usually means I haven't been sleeping well, which I haven't. Extra annoying since I couldn't get to sleep last night, either.

The reason? Saturday night, fired up tinder, used a boost. Got two likes from girls I wasn't interested in, and no matches. Kinda a letdown after last night. Also strange - I shrank my radius down tonight to 20mi, but after about 15m it gave me the "no one else in your area" message. So I expanded to 25mi, swiped some more, got the message again. I'm in a major metro area on a Saturday night... And the majority of women in my stack were hot. I know there are lots of unattractive women out there that I hadn't swiped on yet, so idk what game tinder is playing.... I swear, their algorithm is either super-advanced machine learning that will soon conquer earth, or a floppy disc from 1983.

But unfortunately, I have a hard time emotionally disengaging from this, and so laid in bed for hours thinking about possible causal mechanisms. And then reminding myself - it doesn't matter. Your sample size is N=2. You're just practicing and gathering info at this point. Just focus on getting hotter, getting better pics, and getting your life sorted. The best way to do that is to *go to sleep*. But then my brain would be like "oh, but what if it's THIS", and I would say "ooooh, that sounds really important, I need to think about that RIGHT NOW."

Setting up Hinge today, will give that a spin.
Previous goals:
- Retire in early 2022 with combo index funds / real estate. (Complete, late)
- Get fit (hotter, more athletic, more injury-resistant). (Ill defined, but improved)
- Get laid at least one more time before 30th birthday (Complete).
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Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:27 pm

Patio/fire pit complete, with only a touch of sun poisoning. Reinforcing the deck today. Will borrow a sander from my friend Tuesday.

Signed up for Hinge last night. God, that was difficult. They have all that shit in there about "it's made to be deleted" and "I'd bring a date home to my family when..." Seems to be making the not-so-subtle implication that people _like me_ are not welcome. I spent some time going through settings and exploring the interface, but had to put it down after that. Couldn't message even one girl. I know all the relationship-y stuff is just fucking marketing bullshit. No one gives a shit. People are here to meet other people, and it's perfectly fine to let them filter you if they aren't into what you're offering. I know that but I don't feel it. It feels like I shouldn't be here, like I'm doing something terrible.

The image comes to me of a tiny man inside my head, only one inch tall. And all he does all day is walk quickly in itty bitty circles, staring at his feet, and repeating to himself out of mortification "I wanna die, I wanna die, I wanna die, I wanna die, I wanna die, I wanna die...". And his feet send reverberations down my spinal column, to my stomach, where they turn some great machine which froths up my stomach and makes me want to puke.

I think to myself - God, what the fuck is wrong with me? This isn't a big deal. Why is it such a big deal? Just fucking get over it.

But that's not a productive way to think. I am getting over it. I just have to sit with the nausea... And wait. And keep moving forward. I'll get used to it and then it'll be just like anything else. No big deal, just an existential crisis caused by some pretty colors on a small rectangle, lol.

Setting up Bumble today.
Previous goals:
- Retire in early 2022 with combo index funds / real estate. (Complete, late)
- Get fit (hotter, more athletic, more injury-resistant). (Ill defined, but improved)
- Get laid at least one more time before 30th birthday (Complete).
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Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:39 pm

Good work. Totally normal thought process, every guy here has this sort of stuff going on in their head throughout the course, trust me. It's the human brain lol. Keep working, you are doing beautifully well, solid solid progress and many great things to come.

-Your friend, Ravi

Consistent Performance Coach, Admin of WinnerWithin, and Seeker of Human Potential

My FB Group for Consistent Performance & Goal Achievement
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