Tag: self-improvement

Life is a Process of Trying on Different Hats (Kill Your Inner Loser)

Life is a Process of Trying On Different Hats

Andy wants you to kill yourself (figuratively…)

My Transformation (About Me)

Andy is Babushka

Andy describes his journey from complete and utter loser to slightly-less-of-a-loser.

“You’re So Lucky…”

Play Me a Sad Song

Andy yells at pre-determinists and makes the case for hard bloody work.

What to Do When You’re In a Rut…

Andy has been in a million ruts, and they all passed. Yours will too.

Don’t Worry, You’re Making Progress (Bad Days are Ok.)

Gradual progress over time.

Andy gives you some reassurance, in the hopes you’ll be a little less hard on yourself.

Write a Daily Action Plan (Todo List)

Sunday's Todo List

Andy ticks off “Write about todo lists” from his todo list.