Well guys, I’ve lost my god damn mind.

I’ve decided to do something utterly insane: 365 podcast episodes in 365 days.


Because I’m impulsive as hell. And also because I don’t want to sit here living under a police state with nothing to show for it. If these fascist psychopaths are going to lock me down, I’ll fight back by having the most productive year of my life. Fuck them.

Besides, it was only yesterday I released a podcast episode about facing your fears and not being a pussy. This is bloody terrifying, but I need to do this. I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the mirror if I pussied out.

I’ve done a 365 project before – my 365 photography project. I was successful with that and didn’t miss a single day, so I’m up for the challenge again. That 365 project was absolutely LIFE-CHANGING; I had so many ups and downs, I evolved as a person and a photographer at absolute lightspeed, and every day I woke up feeling like I had a purpose. The 365 project became my mission, my reason for existing – it defined me.

It really was a magical time to be alive, and god I’ve missed it.

I want you to join me. Pick a challenge – anything you want to become elite at – and let’s do it together. 365 days in a row is like cramming several years-worth of experience into 1 year; by the end of it you’ll be truly elite. Some ideas you could pick:

– 1 approach a day (talk to one girl a day).
– 1 piece of content a day (art, Youtube video, write something, record a song or piece of music, draw something, do a podcast).
– Workout every single day (mix the workouts up so you don’t fatigue any one particular muscle group).
– Email one celeb/influencer/famous YouTuber/Instagrammer a day and ask them if you can work for them or contribute a project for them.
– Tell 1 person a day how grateful you are for them.
– Email one person you respect or look up to every single day to thank them for their work, or ask them a question like “What’s one thing you wished you knew when you first started?” etc
– Give 1 stranger a compliment every single day for a year.
– Take 1 photo a day.
– Do 1 volunteer community project a day.
– Write 1 poem a day.
– Anything else you’ve always wanted to get good at or practice; doing something for 365 days will absolutely make you an expert on that subject.

I’m absolutely serious: I want you to join me. Let’s make the next 365 the most amazing 365 days of our lives.

If you decide to do this, reply with a commitment that you won’t skip a day.

I’m terrified of what the next 365 days have in store for me, but I’m also really really excited.

Here’s my podcast talking about it:


5 other people have also signed up already!

Imogen’s 1-art-a-day:

Bad Idea Bear’s 1-guitar-lick-a-day:

Crisis_Overcomer’s books:

1 Pushup a Day Challenge:

More Episodes

For all the latest episodes, go to my dedicated podcast website:

The Inner Winner Show

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Yo, Andy here. I’m an Aussie guy who went from a depressed, suicidal loser to a guy who gets laid regularly, has 3somes & BDSM sex, crushes weights at the gym & loves his life. I killed my inner loser. It's my mission to get you to kill your inner loser too.