Cover image by Jase Bloor.
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Yikes. Crazy tactics. I found you on reddit, but couldn’t comment on your user profile. This is off-topic but I was wondering something. You mentioned that you don’t pay for drinks/food on dates because that’s not “You and Me,”– it’s more like, “You vs. Me”.
What do you do in those situations? Just ask for the checks (plural)? How does it affect your dates?
Sorry this is literally rated G compared to this specific post topic but I was very curious and there are a lot of guys getting fleeced out there.
“You mentioned that you don’t pay for drinks/food on dates”
I just say “We’ll split the bill”. I’ve only ever had one girl complain about it (and she turned out to be fucking crazy – this girl:
Unfuckingbelieveable. What an insufferable cunt that girl was…
I also remember you mentioning in a post that girls doing pregnancy scare is “pure evil”.
Yesterday I had my first real pregnancy scare ever (although only for like 15 minutes) it was still enough to stop my heartbeat for a while.
I was chatting with my girlfriend yesterday and she mentioned some food that she had made, and I send her a text how sucking her tits tastes even better and I will hopefully get some milk out of them one day.
She replied with ” Yeah I think soon. Wait 9 months.You will see soon. ”
I replied with: “pretty scary joke actually.”
Then she replied: “I am serious”
Later when I tried to call her and finally reached her on the phone, she said her period is already seven days late and a few seconds later she asked if I still want to see her since she will probably be a problem for me now. I asked her like 5 times if she was being serious and she said yes every time. Then there was a lot of silence on the phone. I was in shock and didnt know what to say for like 30 seconds straight and was just speechless.
She then asked when I actually want kids and I replied: “You know I dont want them right now. MAYBE I want ONE in like 5 years. Maybe”
She said: “Maybe? I want 4 kids (Not sure if she was serious, she said before that she wants 2 kids in like 10 years. She is already 30 though so maybe she finally got the baby rabies… so not sure ). Then I need to have them with another guy.”
I was so angry all of a sudden (not because she said “another guy” but because we have only been together for like a month and she is already behaving like that and talking about a missing period and pregnancy possibility) so I did hang up the phone immediately.
She then called me very soon and asked if I am angry. I said “yes, I am angry”. She then said that it was a joke and how she just wanted to see how I would react to that. Then I slowly calmed down but today now that I read through some of your articles I am pissed of more than ever.
Sounds like a huge red flag to me looking back now…even if the scare was already over like 15 minutes later. Am I overreacting? Sounds almost like a reason to break up actually even if it was just a one time thing. Or maybe I am dating a psycho?
I also find myself fantasizing more and more about a vasectomy. It is only like 800 dollars in my city…
(I’m saying this with love, to really get the point across to you) what the fuck is wrong with you? Jesus fucking christ! Why in the FUCK haven’t you broken up with her already?
Jesus dude. This is not ok. She’s dangerous. What this girl did is absolutely evil, and she’s an evil piece of vile filth.
Thank you Andy, I thought about your response a lot and broke up with her an hour ago. Too many lifes have been ruined by child support already. Yesterday I read an article about how about 39% of men in my country live on the street because they have 2 or more kids and barely have money to survive because of the amount of money they owe because of child support. My jaw dropped when I read more into this.
The last 3 days where hell now and I could barely sleep because it turned out that her period actually was very late (but not because of pregnancy but because this seems to happen quite often for her which she didnt want to tell me until today. She also got much more mean and manipulative when we talked over the phone over the last three days (keep in mind she did behave like an angel before at all times) because she realized that she might have much more control over me now because of a possible child. A couple of hours ago she told me that her very late period has finally kicked in. Thanks God. I broke up with her very soon after that.
I am not even going to talk much about other sudden red flags that appeared over the past three days (Yesterday she called me to tell me that I am hers, she also wants me to call her more than 3 times a day and if ever some girls catch interest in me she will do something so bad to these girls, that they will be too scared to ever come close to my place again. )
Anyway… I am really happy I texted you here and finally solved the problem today. Feel so reliefed and much better now and can sleep almost like a baby again.
“Thank you Andy, I thought about your response a lot and broke up with her an hour ago.”
I’m really fucking proud of you mate. Good shit.
Yep, there’s a reason I said, “Doing a pregnancy scare is pure evil”. It’s absolutely evil – I’d rather someone punch me in the face 5 times, vs a pregnancy scare.
Well, my experience with a Chinese girl is a bit similar. First date she was on her period and she only wanted to jerk me off, which was fine by me. Then she became super scary dominant saying she was going to do a countdown and when she reached zero I was going to cum in her hand and, I kid you not, I was to eat my own cum of her hand. So while she’s jerking me off I’m like: ‘nah, we’re not going to do that, and I don’t like the countdown thing’. So she agreed on that and that was basically date 1. Then I met up with this girl again like a week later (because I wanted to fuck her), and after making her cum with my magic wand she was on top of me and she said something like ‘I’m going to make you cum’, which she did by riding me like a maniac, but then the fucked up thing happened. Right when I came she squeezed my dick really hard with her pussy muscles up to the point that it really hurt and I couldn’t get it out of her when I tried to save my dick. She was laughing in a very evil way and asking whether I liked ‘her special trick’ or something like that. I was really pissed because she really hurt me, told her she was fucked up, kicked her out, never saw her again. Dick hurt the next day as well. The rest of my experiences with Asian women are very good, but this was weird.
That pussy squeezing thing is psycho. You dodged a bullet.