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I’ve been doing this coaching and content thing for about 5 years now, and the pattern is always the same. Nothing really changes in my approach to helping all of you, and being here for you.
After all, you all come here for the exact same reasons; you’re all seeking the exact same thing. Reassurance that you’re ok, and that everything is gonna be ok.
You guys and gals come here with doubts in your mind, uncertainties, wondering if you’re gonna make it, if you’re good enough to do what you want to do, if it’s all gonna work out for you.
You have worries, fears, anxieties, doubts, limiting beliefs… you’ve seen other people succeed, but you’re not sure if you can do it too.
You listen to me saying “If I can do it, you sure as hell can too!” but…. there’s still something in your mind that says, “Yeah, but can I really? What if other people can do it, but not me? What if I’m the exception? After all, Andy doesn’t really know me…. what if I really am the hopeless case I sometimes feel that I am?“
I felt like that too, for the longest time. With every new goal I set, with every new journey I embarked upon, I was convinced I wasn’t good enough, wouldn’t be able to work hard enough, had too far to go and would never make it. I’ve had so many doubts, insecurities, limiting beliefs, worries, fears, anxieties. I’ve felt every single thing you’re currently feeling… maybe even more.
And yet somehow, with all those doubts and fears, I still succeeded at my goals. I wasn’t perfect; I stumbled, I fell, I picked myself back up, and sometimes I didn’t even do that. I had long periods of days, weeks, months… sometimes longer… where I didn’t really take a ton of action. I had so many moments I felt like giving up, quitting, going back to my old complacent life… even though I know that life wasn’t making me happy.
So many moments of hopelessness, so many moments I was convinced it was too late for me, that I’d never make it.
And yet, somehow through all of that, here I am. For a lot of you, I’m where you want to be (maybe even a little further than that). I did it. A ton of my coaching clients did it too. Men and women, just like you – who weren’t special, definitely weren’t confident, definitely didn’t have their shit together and definitely didn’t think they were good enough to do it.

So many of them felt EVERYTHING you’re currently feeling – all the doubts, the fears, the insecurities, the worries, the uncertainties. They really didn’t think they could do it… just like you probably don’t think you can do it.
And yet, do it they did do it. They did make it. They took little baby steps each day, and with our help, & with their own hard work, they were able to work through their doubts and limiting beliefs, show up each day with courage (and sometimes even without courage), take little tiny bits of action and move forward, one step at a time. They did amazing things, not by being incredibly courageous people – though they were that too at times – but by just being normal human beings who did their best, flaws and all.
You do not have to be perfect. You don’t have to be some alpha male chad, or some badass boss bitch, in order to succeed and achieve the things you want to achieve. All it takes is giving yourself permission to suck – giving yourself permission to just be your current self, exactly as you are right now. You right now are good enough to improve. All that we’re doing is just taking one tiny little step forward, right now, today. And then just repeating that, as you slowly, but surely, improve – one step at a time.
That’s all this “success” stuff is. Just a series of tiny little baby steps, that slowly add up over time.
I’m right here with you – I believe in you. If you want my help with this, come join the coaching program so I can help you properly, and get you achieving those goals 100x quicker than you might do on your own. We’ve got payment plans to make it easier for you, I’m happy to jump on a free call with you and talk through any fears, doubts, problems, etc you might have. You’re capable of change; it helps (a LOT) to be surrounded by a bunch of people who believe in you, and who’ll push you to greatness. The coaching program is here; come check it out. The water’s warm; come jump in with us.
And if you don’t join the coaching program, then follow all the same steps; give yourself permission to suck, take a little baby step forward each day, and just keep on going. Find some of your own accountability partners to make it easier, and just keep showing up to this weird, but beautiful, thing we call “life”.
You are absolutely capable of awesomeness beyond your wildest hopes and dreams. Even if you don’t always feel like it. If you want my help, I’m right here; if you want to do it on your own, that’s great too.
But you’re allowed to have the life you want. Let’s make 2025 your year. You are absolutely capable of it.
I promise.
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