One of my clients Taylor sent me this message recently:

And man, it means the world to me to get messages like this.

Coaching is the most rewarding thing I could ever imagine doing. Not only do you guys and gals help pay my bills and allow me to keep doing this, but then on top of that, I get beautiful messages like these from my clients (in this case, one of our past clients who’s now also a coach in the program alongside me). I’m already getting everything I could ever ask for – enough money to pay the bills, wonderful human beings I get to meet and work with, a brotherhood/sisterhood of fellow goal-seekers who all push each other to greatness and inspire me daily – and on top of that I receive gratitude like this screenshot. So humbling.

Seriously blessed.

I could not be more grateful for all of you who are part of this wonderful community of men and women dedicated to improving their lives, one baby step at a time. We’re on a mission to build something amazing – this community is going places. So many lives changed, and so many more to come.

I’m honoured to be here with all of you, I’m grateful you all keep showing up, and I have nothing but love and respect and admiration for each and every one of you.


And if you’d like to join the coaching program and have me pour my heart and soul into you and genuinely care about you and your goals/the life you want to live, you can check out the coaching program here. We’d love to have you.

I know sometimes life can feel a little lonely, you can feel confused, like you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t know if you’re on the right path. You wonder if you’re making progress with your goals, or if you’re never going to make it. What Taylor wrote in the screenshot above is true – I really do care about the guys and gals in my coaching program – I pour my heart and soul into transforming your life into something beautiful. After all, if all the guys and gals who’ve gone through the program can do it, you sure as hell can too.

Again, so so grateful to all of you.

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Yo, Andy here. I’m an Aussie guy who went from a depressed, suicidal loser to a guy who gets laid regularly, has 3somes & BDSM sex, crushes weights at the gym & loves his life. I killed my inner loser. It's my mission to get you to kill your inner loser too.