If you’re someone who worries about his height and is concerned women will reject you for it, watch this video:

Seriously, watch it. I see too many guys getting depressed and giving up hope just because they’re short. I’m here to tell you being short is NOT the dealbreaker you think it is, and you’re just using it as an excuse to do the hard work you need to do if you want an awesome sex life.

Come on, be real with yourself – you’re being a pussy, and you’re using “But I’m short!” as the world’s most convenient – and most pathetic – excuse.

Man up and do the work. If you want an awesome sex life, you need to WORK for it. Nobody’s going to give it to you.

Get out there and make it happen.


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Yo, Andy here. I’m an Aussie guy who went from a depressed, suicidal loser to a guy who gets laid regularly, has 3somes & BDSM sex, crushes weights at the gym & loves his life. I killed my inner loser. It's my mission to get you to kill your inner loser too.