So, I’m literally writing this article right now as a form of procrastination.
I’m working on Part 1 of my 3some guide (UPDATE 2022: Finished the entire thing! You can grab the full 3some video course + ebook here!). I could literally have it done today if I wanted to; it’s already half-written. I find I get into these annoying procrastination habits though, when I have a big project to do. Like, “I need to clean the house” – so I’ll spend 2 hours cleaning, and avoiding actually sitting down to write.
Or I’ll go onto forums and play around with a bunch of improvement and tweaks; stuff that only makes a 1% difference.
I’ll login to the Good Looking Loser forums 30 times in a couple of hours, seeing if there’s any new replies, wasting time responding to stuff that doesn’t really require a response.
I’ll go on Tinder and swipe a bunch, or pay for a Boost even though it’s a dumb time to boost, just so I can have a few girls to waste time messaging.
I’ll message a girl I’m seeing with some dirty shit, or tell her to send me some nudes, just to distract myself.
Hell, I’m literally writing this entire post just so I can avoid doing what I really want to be doing – my 3some guide.
Isn’t that weird? I literally WANT to write my 3some guide – not “should”, but actually “WANT” to write it, yet I’m avoiding it. I don’t want to procrastinate, yet I’m here, doing exactly that.
I know it’s not just me though – we all do it. I’m curious what stuff you do. Write a comment below and tell us your timewasting activities; the stupid things you do to procrastinate. (Just… make sure you’ve already been productive today, and you’re not leaving a comment just to waste some more time.)
I know some of you guys will say, “I read too much of your website Andy, or Good Looking Loser, or any other self-improvement website – I read so that I don’t have to log off the computer and take action and actually do the work.” I used to do exactly the same… I still do.
And now that I’ve indulged in some timewasting, now that I’ve given myself 10 minutes to procrastinate… I’m off to go actually work on my mission. No more timewasting. See ya.

Update: Done. I’ve published Part 1 of the How to Have 3somes guide here.

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I should note that in the past it would have been porn. I used to be that guy who goes to work late because he has to watch porn every morning right after waking up. But this year I’ve made so much progress with curbing my porn addiction that it didn’t even cross my mind when I wrote the last post. 🙂
I still don’t have any no-fap streaks worth mentioning though since I haven’t been able to cut it out completely (yet).
Yeah my porn use used to be fucked up. I’d intentionally go to work early at like 3am and finish at 12pm (I could work whenever I wanted), just to watch porn for 5 hours before my girlfriend got home.
I don’t ever plan on doing 100% full-on no-fap. As long as my porn use never spirals out of control and overwhelms me, I’m happy enough.
yeah I used to think porn was harmless.. I mean I still do think it’s harmless or even beneficial for most guys/couples.
But for guys my like me who have never had a gf or had sex far into our 30’s it’s absolutely fatal.
The thought that it would give me ED never crossed my mind until I tried to have sex for the first time and found out I couldn’t get an erection despite finding the girl quite attractive and enjoyable to be around (she was quite nice to me). Probably tried around 5 times over a week and it never worked.
Also my poison of choice is cam-sites (I’ve gotten accustomed to just paying girls to talk to me online). So I’ve wasted thousands of dollars on it over the years. Not to mention hundreds of hours of my time just talking to these cam models.
Mine can be summed up in two word: Wikipedia. YouTube.
Oh man, the hours/days I’ve lost from getting into that Wikipedia spiral…
Thinking rather than doing is quite a perveted one, because it makes you believe you learn something and go further.
Doing and then thinking is better. I hate procrastinate, but I love rewarding myself for a job well done.
Damn straight. As I said in Pickup Artists are Theatrical Wizards who Don’t Want to Get Laid:
“Usually the people who start reading pickup artist material are highly intelligent (if you’re into any self-improvement, you’re probably more intelligent than the average). This intelligence is both a blessing and a curse, because along with intelligence also comes arrogance and overthinking. Arrogance in the form of, “If I just learn a little more, study the material a little more, plan a little more – I can avoid most of the hard, painful work. I can outthink having to put in a huge amount of effort.“”