Monthly archives: May, 2021

Coaching – The Winners Club

Start taking your life seriously. You want guaranteed results from a guy who’s been in your shoes and overcome the same hurdles you’re going through? Hit me up for coaching and I’ll make sure you kill your inner loser too.

Feel Like You Missed Out on Your 20s?

Here’s a topic that’s extremely close to my heart – guys in their late 20’s or 30’s feeling like it’s “too late” for them, feeling like they’ll never get laid, feeling like that ship has sailed. You’re gonna want to hear this one.

Short Guys Will NEVER Get Girls??

A must-read for those of you who are shorter, this is the most comprehensive answer I’ve ever given to the complaint, “I can’t get laid because I’m short”.

STOP Suppressing Your Emotions! (They’re Trying to TELL You Something.)

You’ve been doing emotions wrong – misusing one of the BEST tools for self-improvement you have available to you.

I Don’t Feel Great, Guys.

I’ve been feeling a bit down the last few days – long story. But I sat down to do this bit of content anyway…

How to Beat Your Approach Anxiety

Brandon from my forums joins me to talk about how the AA Program changed both our lives, the wildest (and funniest) memories we made along the way, and advice for people thinking of doing it themselves.

Tinder Burnout

Feeling frustrated and annoyed by your lack of results on Tinder? Don’t stress, I’ve got the solution.

31yo Virgin Short Guy Now Gets Laid a Tonne?

You’re going to love this MUST LISTEN success story from one of my long-time clients, Ed, who went from being a 31 year depressed virgin to an ass-kicking machine who’s slept with 12 women so far, overcome his approach anxiety and even started taking photos with models for his Tinder photos.