Monthly archives: September, 2020

Why Obsession is Mandatory

A kickass chat with an awesome guy from my forums – Chad. We discuss girls, goals, the meaning of life, COVID and how fucking delicious Southern food is.

The Meaning Of Life & How to Be Happy

Struggling to get over an ex, and want to know the meaning of life and how to be happy?

The Craziest Story of My Entire Life (Storytime with Andy)

A story I’ve been hinting at for years – a girl who absolutely lost her mind and called the police + fire department + ambulance on me.

Interview with Tristan Nigro (DashedHopes)

Andy is joined by the buffest Canadian you’ll ever meet – Tristan Nigro – to talk fitness, getting started on Youtube, content creation, and that one time he got naked in a Planet Fitness.

Love my content and want to be a part of me building my YouTube channel?

Want to be a part of the Kill Your Inner Loser project? Enquire within.

Q&A with Imogen: What’s it Like Being Andy’s Girlfriend?

We (well, mostly my girlfriend) answer a bunch of your questions about what it’s like dating me.

Mentoring Girls, Age Gaps & Not Being Controlling

Andy and Imogen answer a listener’s questions about the boundaries between mentoring girls vs being too controlling.

You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought

A deep-dive on probably the most important book I’ve ever read; You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought.