Monthly archives: August, 2020

Why You Are NOT Meant to Live My Lifestyle Forever, & Why Traditional Relationships are “Normal”

Want a traditional relationship, or monogamy, or a girlfriend? This podcast is for you.

The Polish Cold Approach [Storytime with Andy]

Andy reminisces about one of his ballsier approaches with a very sexy Polish woman in a red dress.

CHALLENGE: How to Get a Phone Number in 1 Message

Can you get a girl’s phone number in just 1 message?

CHALLENGE: Start a 365 Day Project

Andy wants you to join him on possibly the biggest challenge of your life.

Andy Orders Italian from OkCupid [Storytime with Andy]

Andy tells the tale of an Italian girl who became a pretty good fuckbuddy and friend for a few years.

How to Use the Doxy Magic Wand

Andy will blow your mind with mind-blowing orgasm techniques.

TIWS Day 5 & Day 6 – Open Relationships & Boundaries / Run TOWARDS Fear

Andy and Imogen dive into fear, open relationships, jealousy – and give you a run-through of their entire relationship.

TIWS Day 3 & Day 4 – How to Pleasure Women, Whether Penis Size Matters & Orgasms

Does penis size really matter? Do girls care if you make them orgasm? Andy and Imogen tackle these questions and more.

TIWS Day 2 – Give Yourself Permission to Suck (Redux)

In the second episode I cover the future of the podcast and my site in general.

Don’t Kill Yourself.

Andy is here for you.

How to Meet Girls in Hostels [Guest Post by Radical]

The first guest post on my site – Radical’s awesome guide to getting laid and making friends in hostels.

The Buttplug Girl [Storytime with Andy]

Andy’s anal escapades with a cute girl!

The Red Quest on Modelling the Behaviour You Want to See from Girls

Andy talks about another great self-improvement blog; The Red Quest.