There’s a trend I notice with guys who are relatively new to getting laid: they tend to overthink every little thing that goes wrong, and use one or two examples of rejection/things not working out to completely avoid ever repeating that action in future. In other words, they use one or two cherry-picked examples to inform their doctrines.
You see this most of all with the concept of AWALT – “All Women Are Like That.” A couple examples of bad bitches, and guys declare, “Damn, all women must be like this!”
It’s often extremely self-defeating – guys will try something with one woman, it won’t work (or maybe it’ll only half-work), then they’ll declare, “Ok, that thing I did never works” when what they should be saying is, “It didn’t work once. Maybe I just need to try again.”
When you don’t have a lot of experience getting laid, you tend to be extremely sensitive to rejection from girls. You’re often paranoid about it. You haven’t quite embraced the idea of this being a numbers game (talk to as many women as you can and you’ll eventually get laid), so you don’t realise rejection can often be pretty random.
You place too much importance on each rejection; over-analysing it & studying it in too much detail instead of just moving on and talking to more girls. And instead of saying, “It’s just a numbers game – I just need to hit on more women” you sit there trying to figure out exactly what you did wrong. It’s usually really fucking hard to know what you possibly could have done wrong (especially when you’re a newbie!), but you’re desperate for an answer, so in the end you just grasp at straws and settle on whatever makes the most sense to you.
Thing is, you’re inexerpienced as hell – how can you possibly know your explanation for her rejecting you is the correct one? Plus you have a sample size of one – again, how the hell can you be sure your explanation for her rejecting you is correct? You obviously can’t… but fuck it, you decide that’s the reason she didn’t want to bang you, and you swear never to repeat that behaviour again.
You know what you’ve just done? You’ve just developed a superstition.
Yep, you’re like some primitive caveman who peed on a tree one time and then there was a lightning storm, so he became convinced peeing on trees = God gets angry at me and causes a lightning storm. He spends the rest of his life avoiding ever peeing anywhere even remotely close to a tree, on the off-chance God gets too angry at him. He holds his pee in (often to the point of pain), walking 15 minutes to the closest river any time he needs to take a leak… because at least that’s far away from any trees. He spreads stories to his fellow-tribesmen about the gods getting mad as hell if you pee on a tree. He tells his children to never urinate near foliage… and everybody listens to him and does what he suggests. After all, nobody wants to risk incurring the wrath of the gods, right? And nobody stops for a single second to consider whether their original premise was even true.
Guys do this shit with girls – eg a couple of times you’ll reply to a girl within 10 second of her messaging you. Some of those girls won’t end up banging you (because it’s a number’s game, remember – not every girl will sleep with you). You’ll over-analyse it and come to the conclusion, “If I reply too quickly, girls will think I’m low-value or something! I should always play games and make her wait.” Yes it’s just a silly superstition, but you hate the feeling of rejection… so god knows you’re never ever ever ever ever going to message a girl within 1 hour of her messaging you. Better to be safe than sorry.
After all, you wouldn’t want to anger the Gods, right?

But when you get to a point where you’ve had a lot of lays (50-100), you realise girls will bang you whether you text them immediately or wait 5 hours. It makes almost no difference – the only difference is in the type of women you’ll attract. Waiting 5 hours will screen in girls who a) don’t mind guys playing retarded games with them or b) are independent and busy and don’t care how long you take between replies.
But it won’t get you laid any more often – I get laid just as much now that I reply instantly, vs when I was playing games and making girls wait for hours. Your superstition was wrong.
A lot of the time when you get rejected, you didn’t even necessarily do anything wrong; it was just random variance, statistical noise. This is a number’s game.
The problem with being inexperienced is you don’t have a lot of data samples to work from. You don’t know what actually works, and what doesn’t work. You have no idea what would work if you just kept trying it (and improving at it). You’re sitting there waiting for the first hint of rejection (because you’re paranoid about it, like most of us are when we’re newbies) and the second you run into it, you freak the fuck out and immediately develop a superstition. It’s like you’re tiptoing and walking on eggshells, terified of making a single mistake.
The solution is to give yourself permission to suck. Realise rejection isn’t that big a deal. Stop being a scared little boy who’s desperate to avoid rejection, and just embrace it. I promise the world won’t fall apart just because some girls don’t want to fuck you; it’s ok to make mistakes, figure things out as you go, and “lose” a few opportunities. It’s much better than being supersitious and afraid.
It goes the other way too – often when you do something that works one time, you assume it’s the only way that will work – and you assume it will always work.
This is one of the reason a lot of pickup artists & Red Pill people have all these weird, autistic “rules” and superstitions, like:
- Don’t text too quickly.
- Always be alpha.
- Don’t share your vulnerabilities/doubts with her.
- “Bounce between 3 venues” during your first date (go to 3 different bars, just so she’ll feel like it’s been 3 dates in 1 night).
- Neg her so she’ll think you’re high-value.
- “Build rapport” before you make a move on her.
- “Form a connection” before you make a move on her.
- Deal with her “shit tests” instead of realising you’re just being insulted/fucked with.
- Use pickup lines/routines on her; there’s a “correct” set of phrases and behaviours you can exhibit to get in her pants. There’s a “right” way of communicating.
- Don’t have an ego and don’t seek validation.
- etc
I’m not even saying pickup artists are “newbies” or inexperienced – a lot of them get laid. I don’t hate pickup artists or red pill advocates – at all. I’m saying a lot of them are guys who developed these superstitions – these things you “must” do – early on, and then never gave them up. They’re so stuck in their ways they can’t even fathom any other method could ever possibly work. Imagine the hubris in declaring doctrines and “unbreakable rules”; as if your way is the only way and everything else is somehow wrong.
Imagine the lack of humility you’d have to have to deny evidence that other methods work to get you a lot of pussy. Imagine saying, “Mine is the only solution; listen to me and nobody else. I am right.” Sounds a bit like religious zealotry to me.
I’ve talked about this before – This is All Just a Big Experiment. My methods work (they’ve worked for me, my clients and my friends) – my Tinder series will get you laid as much as me, if you push yourself. But I will never in a billion fucking years tell you this is the way you should do things, or this is the only way you’ll ever get laid. I’m showing you what’s worked for me/my clients/friends; it’s up to you whether you follow in my footsteps or find something that works even better.
You can let go of your weird superstitions and rules – just take a deep breath and realise there’s no rules you have to stick to. You’re allowed to figure out your own methods (or use other people’s and modify them to suit you and your circumstances).
It gets easier over time – particularly when you get laid a lot and realise a lot of getting laid is totally random. You realise a lot of the time it really doesn’t matter what you do, or what you say – getting laid really is just a process of looking decent and talking to a lot of girls.
Don’t be scared of angering the gods. There’s a million paths to success; go forge your own.
UPDATE: I did a follow-up podcast here:
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It’s actually become apparent thats it not really the Red-pill ideology holding me back – its this weird religious shit i managed to brainwash myself into since I was a kid.
I used to watch all this Christian conspiracy crap about how the world was ending and that “i would go to hell for having sex” (an unhelpful worldview if your entire goal is to have casual sex with women obviously).
I’ve realized that these weird unhelpful religious views I have/had (trying to get rid of them rn) are/wrere also the primary cause of my hate and fear towards women
This is one the issues that chris mentioned in his article I think (, religious self-conflict
Yeah I’ve worked with a few clients who were brainwashed with religious, puritanical views. It’s definitely something you can overcome (as with almost every brainwashing).
I’d recommend jumping on the forums ( ) and posting more of this stuff like what you’ve posted here. Get it all out, get some feedback – sometimes it feels good just telling a bunch of people what you’re going through.
I also don’t talk to a lot of women (past tense technically, since im making an effort now) – I’ve also come to know the reason I dont talk to alot of women is because of all that TRP shit, – makes me not want to talk to them because of it
In defense of TRP, they do have a lot of great advice (lift weights, don’t put women on a pedestal). They definitely helped me, A LOT. They do tend to take it too far though, and it’s so damn easy to get caught up in hating women.
Glad to hear you’re working on it. This episode of my podcast might help:
(The part where I start talking about “should you judge women for having lots of sex” – you can use those same techniques to overcome your dislike of women).
I agree the only thing good about the redpill IMO is their fitness advice – other than that GARBAGE.
At this point, im abandoning and removing all TRP ideology from my body and brain – its the cause of literally the vast majority of the problems in my life – im NOT EVEN BAD AT TALKING TO WOMEN – im very good at holding basic conversation and not coming off as a weirdo – thats part of the anger, i feel like this entire time my POTENTIAL Has been SHACKLED and HELD BACK by the redpill garbage.
I feel trapped honestly. Big part is like i said, shame thinking im “not a real man” or “unaware if i DONT believe this shit.
I wrote down a bunch of notes one what my “issues” are (Like in the GLL article) and one of the suggestions i gave myself was “In order to be good with women you have to actually like them” which worked, and for the first time in my life i had literally no anxiety or fear or anything with women. but it felt like “Cheating” I also didn’t want to have to expend effort to force myself to “Like” women as I want it to be genuine and require no effort. i think part of it was also it rewiring my brain a bit.
I don’t know, Im just kind of outpouring – i feel i needed it though.
I’ve just realized all the redpill shit I’ve believed is the cause of my lack of success with women.
My lack of success with women is because of my fear towards them – the cause of my fear is my hatred towards them, and the cause of my hatred towards them is all the red-pill shit in my head. I recently made an effort to let go of it, and for a short while I turned into a social butterfly with a few women here and there.
I recently fell back into some of the red-pill thought patterns – and some of the old fear and refusal to talk to women has returned. Never had a girlfriend – and I now know its most definelty because of these red-pill beliefs i’ve had for a long time.
I tried getting rid of it forcibly by changing my thought patterns, and it worked as I said for a while… I think I’m “afraid to let go” of my red-pill beliefs because I’m under the impression that if I do I’m going to be “taken advantage of” by women or something stupid like that or that (pretty lifelong btw) I believe im a “beta male” and “not a real man” If I dont believe this vile, crude, sexist, proto-incel garbage. This is ironic of course because I realize that its actually the red pill that is hold me back – but I feel trapped. Like you said though, its about trying new things I guess – if I could describe it – it feels like this cage around my nutsack – weird…
Probably alot to take in and im sorry for wasting your time with this shit, but I just needed to get this off my chest.
You’re not wasting my time. I’m glad to hear you’ve had this realisation – now you know what the problem is, you can start tackling it.
” I’m under the impression that if I do I’m going to be “taken advantage of” ”
That’s a valid concern. Yes, if you 100% let your guard down entirely and just trust everyone, blindly, all the time – you will get taken advantage of. But you need some sort of middle ground – be honest with the women who earn it, be real with the girls who earn it, and get rid of girls who start trying to take advantage of you.
My answer to letting go of my red pill notions was this:
You said you haven’t had a girlfriend. So you have no real experience of what women can ACTUALLY be like (not just what The Red Pill tells you they’re like). I’m telling you from experience, most girls are fucking nice people. They’re fucking good people. Yes there’s some shit ones (just like there’s some shit guys), but the vast majority of them won’t reject you if you act like a decent person, instead of this weird psychopath the red pill often wants you to be.
My girlfriend and I talked a bit more about The Red Pill on a recent podcast, particularly how a lot of Red Pill attitudes are driven by fear/insecurity:
Day 14: The Red Pill is a Bit Crazy Sometimes…
If you want, hit me up for coaching – prices here. Or reach out and I’ll have you on my podcast (for free obviously) to discuss this stuff if you’re up for it. Here’s a podcast I just did with someone else:
Or come post on the forums: